
Tuesday, August 28, 2012


THE TESTIMONIES GIVEN ABOUT THE LATE DOCTOR INCLUDE: Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II described the Late Doctor as one of the most talented. Kabaka said that Dr. Mayanja was greatly talented in providing the appropriate advice at the right time for his patients. Dr. Mayanja would be remembered for his great services to the Kingdom of Buganda especially as a special doctor for the royal family and acting as their Medical Consultant at any given time on any form of medical advice. “He served the royal family with a sincere heart and was always available each time he was called upon and was of great help to our people during his stay in the Diaspora”. Kabaka recalled. Kabaka Mutebi commended the Late Mayanja for the love he had for the Kingdom of Buganda, the King and above all the respect he had for his cultural norms and values. RONALD MUWENDA MUTEBI II, KABAKA OF BUGANDA. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Throughout the years, Dr Mayanja inspired me through his hard work, dedication and commitment towards his patients. Whenever a doctor didn’t turn up for duty he gladly filled in the slot even if it was at night. He knew all his patients by their names and treated all categories of people equally. He always ensured delivery of high quality of care to his patients through ensuring that all doctors underwent continuous medical education (CME). This was in order to keep abreast, the latest and evidence- based type of treatment for particular illnesses. Unlike other private healthcare facilities which would terminate their employees if they went away for further studies Dr Mayanja would not do the same. I managed to carry out my Masters and several diploma trainings abroad while still working with him. His gift of networking with people with all sorts of walks of life including: high profile ones such as top politicians, cultural leaders, religious leaders, CEOs, etc helped the practice to flourish and stay afloat even through hard times through various interactions. He once cautioned me not to look at the medical practice as a source of income but a volunteer service and networking forum trough which other means of survival would be met. DR JENNIFER NABUKENYA SSENGOOBA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mayanja became a friendly person not only to me but also to many others. And all this helped to anticipate the great man he would be later in life especially that he was in addition in that O-Level section which had the most intelligent classes in the country!!! I personally thank Dr George William Mayanja for the many things he did for his college, for his country and for society wherever he was. And I wish him that well-deserved heavenly rest. DR. GEORGE HERMAN KKOLOKOLO OF PARIS FRANCE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- George was a dear friend and even though he died like we all must, I will forever be the better for having known him. To each one of us his friends, George was a unifying person. The one you called upon to seek genuine counsel. He was patient and a good listener. If there was need for anything to be said such as advice to his friends, George found a nice way to say it. George`s advice was always sincere and well intentioned. When I say this I know I speak for all his friends and am sure I am in excellent company because George was a good man. We remember him as an excellent professional and Paediatrician. His tender fingers and Stethoscope touched and cured thousands of children. What a wonderful bedside manner he had. In his treatment room you felt that you are the only patient he had for the day. We remember him as an entrepreneur. He embraced group medical practice and popularised it in Uganda. We remember George as a formidable mobilizer. What a mobilizer he was for all good causes, friends, associations and his alma mater St. Mary`s College Kisubi. EDWARD KATIMBO MUGWANYA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr Mayanja was passionate about his medicine. He respected everybody in whatever capacity they were in. He loved God, the family, patients and St. Mary’s College Kisubi. MRS ELIZABETH MAYANJA Dr George Mayanja was a great alumnus of St Mary's College Kisubi. He had great passion for the school and indeed contributed so much to it mentally, physically and financially. He did a lot to galvanize the OBs/OGs into a meditating team about their alma mater to whom they owed enormously for what they are; and repeatedly reminded them that she expected a good turn to propel her to even greater heights for the prosperity and socio-economic development of the direct beneficiaries and the country at large. His bee-hive activity reached its climax during the period of SMACK's centenary celebrations. Being a perfectionist, he made sure there was no stone left unturned and no loop hole in the arrangements. When it came to his relationship with people, he was ebullient and benevolent, always wishing others well. About his nation, he was a patriot because he forewent the green pastures of UK, where he had a good job of a Paediatrician and came back to Uganda, then fraught with insecurity and peril. To minimize this risk he decided to rent a very expensive accommodation for his clinic and residence in the comparatively secure Nile building on Jinja Road for close to 10 years! We wish to invoke the Almighty God to rest him in eternal peace. DR. LAWRENCE KAGGWA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doctor Mayanja became a friend, parent, grandfather to us and our children...He always gave me the will to move on in very hard times...I am well because of this Doctor...I will miss him and my boys and daughter too..Now we have to adjust and start looking again for a Doctor with his qualities!! STELLA NKINI NDIWALANA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doctor Mayanja’s qualities are the type all Medical Doctors would love to be identified with, but it is not possible. He knew his clients by name, place of work, and for the women, he knew the husbands and the children! His patients loved him as he was spot on with his medical facts. There was an Army General who once tried to advise Dr. Mayanja over what the Doctor was better informed. The Late Doctor responded by telling the General that he was at a Clinic and not an Army Barracks. Up to the time of Dr. Mayanja’s death, the General never knew another Doctor a part from Mayanja! The Late Dr. Mayanja would talk to the lowly rated as well s the high status class in society. He was so religious. He would 1st have a call at Church (Christ the King) before continuing to the Clinic. He was indeed Kabaka Muwenda Mutebi’s man, he loved Buganda and Uganda at large. Those of us who worked with Dr. Mayanja can testify that he was a real co-worker and it is because of his human treatment that we managed to stay with him up to the time of death. DR. ABBAS MUBIRU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I recall his input into the SMACK Centenary Celebrations which saw him convince me to make the contribution I did not forgetting the number of hours he put into the meetings, I doubt whether there is any Old Boy who happened to put in so much time for the function as he did. While President of the Old Boys Association, Dr. Mayanja spearheaded the renting out of the SMACK Club House at Lubaga and the Association was able to realize money to help with operations, and it is the same funds that was the basis for opening up an office for the Old Boys at the NOOK, which office is vibrant in mobilization of the Old Boys of St. Mary’s College Kisubi. God, rest Dr. George William Mayanja’s soul in eternal peace. WILLIAM KITUUKA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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