
Monday, August 27, 2012


It is one thing being in Government, and another to fail to make a proper assessment of the financial strength of the Government. From my assessment of things, Uganda should not even spend the shs 19 bn on LC I elections. My simple advice to those in Government is to stop being wasteful. What is important as of now is to change the law, and make it such that those elected under LC I do not need the use of secret ballot. Secondly, by now, the NRM Government should realize that the current developments don't help service delivery. Can we go back to a situation when the Chair Person's are elected say by the district officials in line of capacity to deliver. It is disgusting to see rubbish everywhere and no body bothers. The appointed chairpersons would work with just a few councilors, democracy does not mean have a kraal as councilors, we need quality and service delivery. So, the coming elections would better focus on electing just a few councilors to help reach the chairperson on development issues. Secondly, it is possible for chairpersons to get a pay from what they officially collect from the people. Throughout Uganda, people call for introduction letters, the deliver letters of introduction when they settle in new areas, those who buy land pay some fee, the identity cards, passport recommendation, etc. The monies generated from these undertakings are eaten at source and Government assumes that LC I don't get pay. This money is better than any pay you could imagine. When it comes to electing at LC I, there is no need of a register from the Electoral Commission. The villages have registers where member names have been written and photos in some instance. These can serve very well in the election of office bearers. If the NRM Government fails to realize the situation in which the country is, the more the country will sink. William Kituuka Kiwanuka --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LC I ELECTIONS FOR OCTOBER Uganda Government has set October 2012 for Local Council One (LC I) national wide Elections. “The Government has set aside October 2012 as the period during which village and parish local council elections will be conducted across the country,” the State Minister for Local Government Alex Onzima confirmed to Parliament. He says that about 50 billion shillings is required for the exercise that will be availed this financial year. Responding to a question for oral answer raised by Adjumani Woman MP, Ababiku Jessica, Onzima said that the Electoral Commission had already secured 19 billion shillings which the finance ministry hopes to top up with 49 billion shillings to enable the exercise take place. The state local government Minister says that consideration and approval of the Local Government Amendment Bill 2012 tabled before Parliament two months back will reduce on the cost of holding the Local Council elections. Currently if the bill is not amended Uganda needs 145 billion shillings to run the LCI elections.

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