
Friday, September 7, 2012


It is unbelievable that the authorities can decide to close Kyambogo University for a period which may go to a whole 2 months. It is unacceptable that any decision can be made without considering the situation of students who pay for their academics. For these students, a good number must have paid for their accommodation. How do the authorities decide that these students go home, yet when a caretaker can see the University in the time as the investigations are undertaken. What will happen to the lecturers during the two years? Can Government pay salary for two months when lecturers are not working? Surely, we must make decisions rationally. An immediate solution ought to be got. If lecturers are ready to teach while the Vice Chancellor is not in office let it be, so that the students read on. William Kituuka Kiwanuka ---------------------------------------------------------
Some of the angry Lecturers at the University. Lecturers at Kyambogo University have gone on strike a day after they vowed to do so if their Vice Chancellor does not step down. The lecturers are protesting what they describe as continued misuse of the institution’s resources by V.C Prof. Isaiah Omoro Ndiege. Although the University council has agreed to increase the lecturers’ top up allowance by 16%, they insist V.C Ndiege should go. The lecturers say they will not return to work until Omoro steps down to pave way for investigations. Police have deployed heavily at the campus to maintain law and order. The strike comes hardly a fortnight when students returned from holidays and it’s feared that students could join their lecturers in the strike. A source attached to the V.C says he cannot resign basing on falsehoods and theories. ---------------------------------------------------------- The Kyambogo University vice-chancellor, Prof. Isaiah Ndiege has denied allegations that he is mismanaging the university. He said the accusations against him are baseless and that he would not leave office. “Why leave? These people don’t have any concrete accusation against me. It’s just a fraction of some members of staff who are confusing everyone.’’ The staff of the University are on strike, demanding Ndiege’s resignation. By Friday, most of the faculties had closed and there were policemen keeping watch. The strike followed a general staff meeting at the university’s main hall on Thursday, in which lecturers swore they would not teach until Ndiege leaves to allow for fair investigations. Ndiege, who assumed the post of vice-chancellor in January 2009 is accused of mismanaging the university, leading to a decline in performance. “If he is innocent he will assume his position back. But for now he must hand over the office. We don’t know to whom, but he must go,’’ said Jackson Betihamah, the chairperson of Kyambogo University Senior Staff Association (KYUSASA). Betihamah said they would want a neutral body, preferably the Inspector General of Government (IGG) to investigate Ndiege, alleging that he had influenced members of the university council. Ndiege is also accused of sabotaging the staff’s top-up allowance for the 2012/2013 financial year, which Betihamah said had demoralized many lecturers. However, during another press briefing at Hotel Africana, the university council chairman, Prof. John Okedi, said they had recommended to the education ministry that staff allowances be topped up. He said once the ministry approved, staff would get an allowance top up between 16% and 5% depending on their appointments. The top-up should have been effected in July this year in arrears, Okedi explained. STUDENTS SPEAK OUT Bridget Mukasa, a second year arts student, said: “We just came back from home. Now lecturers are striking. We don’t know if they are going to close the university.’’ Edgar Muhindo hopes the lecturers resolve their differences soon, saying the conflict was wasting their time and money. “Some of us come from far. If the university closes, we will have nowhere to go.’’

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