
Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Time and again we have told President Museveni that as a leader for the country, he long out lived his usefulness. What Museveni does as of now is to scheme to see his continued tenure in State House, and unfortunately, majority of his schemes are evil driven. When he presides over a kraal size cabinet, a kraal sized Parliament, an army of Presidential advisers including the likes of Ssebagala, the continuous sub- division of the country into useless so-called districts all aimed at gunning for him more votes as he constantly makes his stay longer in State House; not forgetting the continuous promotions in the army; a strategy seen to make secure his continued tenure in office. Summing up all these schemes is devilish to the poverty stricken Ugandans, whose situation is worsened the longer Museveni stays in power, with increasing chances that force may be used to get him out of office as was for his predecessors, a situation which clearly shows that he has not learnt any lessons though he had convinced Ugandans that his was a fundamental change, which unfortunately has messed the country’s future instead. It is absurd to find that the Head of State could go to campaign for Kikulukunyu and instead dis-organizing the campaigns for other candidates by making it impossible for them to campaign in the areas that had been approved by the Electoral Commission. All these acts are devilish, and Museveni ought to know. When NRM misuses the Police force to put fear into the would be peaceful campaigns, that is not a positive score, but just proof of NRM’s method of work to create fear into the hearts of the people. However, in all these missions, Museveni must know that one time he will unfortunately be part of Uganda’s history. The unfortunate thing is that the balance sheet will show more negatives than positives. God, help Museveni to get to terms with the reality on ground, as he should have not stayed beyond 2006. William Kituuka Kiwanuka

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