
Thursday, September 27, 2012


The above design by William Kituuka Kiwanuka ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Uganda has a lot of attraction for tourists, but it is still disorganized in harnessing the potential. We have for so long been involved in regional conflicts as providers of solutions for problems which are not our own creation, yet the standards of our people have continued to deteriorate. The NRM Government has messed up things in that it has invested in a few things which don’t create more value, among these is political patronage as well as making sure that it wins elections at all cost. The experience of the country in 2011 General Election was one of the worst where NRM poured money not backed by productivity, and the inflation that was created has watered down much of the previous achievements. One thing which the NRM administration has to sort out is a future worth the people yet to be born, or leave the Museveni factor sink even the few achievements that had been realized. It is under President Museveni’s administration that CHOGM funds were messed up, not long ago, substantial funds under the Prime Minister’s Office were embezzled, then we learn of Pension funds diverted to pension Ghosts. These are problems we find the country is when the country gets pegged to one person as if he is indispensable, and he is doing projects at will with least regard for the better health of the country. If only good investments can be done in tourism, and democracy, which should see Museveni’s long tenure in State House end, may be, Uganda may get on to the road some where, but as of now, there is no hope. William Kituuka Kiwanuka World Tourism Day (WTD) 2012 is being held under the theme Tourism & Sustainable Energy: Powering Sustainable Development. Official celebrations will take place in Maspalomas, Spain (Sept 27). This year’s theme aims to highlight tourism’s role in a brighter energy future; a future in which the world’s entire population has access to modern, efficient and affordable energy services. Tourism, one of the world’s largest economic sectors, has already taken important steps towards this future – improving energy efficiency and increasingly using renewable energy technologies in its operations. These steps are creating jobs, lifting people out of poverty and helping to protect the planet. Be part of World Tourism Day 2012! Take part in the photo competition, go to online energy school, let us know how you will be celebrating and keep checking back for more information on WTD activities and celebrations. WTD 2012 Message UNWTO Secretary-General ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MESSAGE BY THE UN SECRETARY GENERAL, BAN Ki-Moon
The Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development emphasized that well-designed and well-managed tourism can make a significant contribution to the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development. One of the world’s largest economic sectors, tourism is especially well-placed to promote environmental sustainability, green growth and our struggle against climate change through its relationship with energy. “Tourism and Sustainable Energy: Powering Sustainable Development” is the theme of this year’s World Tourism Day, selected to advance the goals of the 2012 International Year of Sustainable Energy for All. Hundreds of millions of people around the world depend for income on this energy-intensive sector. Sustainable energy will allow tourism to continue to expand while mitigating its impact on the environment. Many in the tourism industry have already shown leadership in developing and deploying clean energy solutions, cutting energy consumption and carbon emissions in some regions by up to 40 per cent through initiatives such as the Hotel Energy Solutions toolkit developed by the UN World Tourism Organization and the UN Environment Programme. Other concrete advances include the growing use of energy-efficient fuels in air travel, sustainable procurement strategies and increasingly popular carbon offsetting schemes. Everyone has a role in sustainable tourism. I commend the tourism community for its growing commitment to sustainable energy. I also thank the tourists who play their part by off-setting their own carbon emissions, choosing ecologically friendly destinations and providers, or simply by postponing having their towels laundered. Every action counts. This year, one billion international tourists will travel to foreign destinations. Imagine what one act multiplied by one billion can do. On this World Tourism Day, I appeal to all who work in and enjoy the benefits of this global sector to join in building a more sustainable future for all.

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