
Saturday, November 17, 2012


The problem in Uganda is that morals are completely gone with most business operators. A person will cheat you whenever he can. The other day I wanted to go to visit Kasubi Tombs. At Wandegaya I met a man who wanted me desperately to get into his saloon car. He was charging shs 800 to get us to Nakulabye. He managed to get me convinced to get into the car, however, what undid everything, he wanted us to sit 4. I decided to jump out and left women seated. Just opposite Makerere Main gate, I found taxi's and I sat into one patiently until it got full. A few meters to where I boarded off, the conductor gave me change of shs 300 at Kasubi! I saved shs 100, yet the shs 800 was to initially get me to Nakulabye! That is not all. Yesterday, I got to Kawuku - Entebbe road. I bought some sugar for my mum. I remember it cost me shs 3,000 a kilo. When I got to my place, I realized there was no Sugar. I bought a Kilo at shs 3,600 as I was given shs 1,400 balance from a shs 5,000 note. We need a way to get the right or call them fair prices of goods and services. May be some organization had better open up a site like the social site we have where he/she or they would be able to compile information regarding the various charges we should expect on market. William Kituuka

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