
Friday, November 2, 2012


Under normal circumstances, an International Bank of the status of CAIRO Bank would not get involved in a scm of the type alleged where billions of money was channeled through it with fictitious beneficiaries as this among other things would cost it the reputation, lead to its closing shop and possibly refunding the amount involved. It looks like Cairo Bank may have received the amount of money from other source, not necessarily Uganda Revenue Authority (the Consolidated Account), and the Government including Bank of Uganda may have come in to see this money disposed off. The question is: Who was the initial beneficiary of the said monies? Was so much money really budgeted for such that the official beneficiaries got their lot and so much was diverted? The Police must be careful as it is alleged that the names published in the Monitor of Wednesday, 1st November 2012 are ‘fictitious’ not the real beneficiaries of the said monies. Cairo bank uses a system of cash withdraw where the cheque or withdraw voucher must have had his thumb print first captured so that whenever a withdraw is to be made, such a one has to get his thumb print checked by the computer system, all meant to help ensure the right drawer as beneficiary. To have been involved, I get to think that Cairo Bank may have got political pressure to help dispose off funds initially meant for another beneficiary, and succumbing to pressure has eventually exposed the scandal. I remember the time when I wanted to contest for the Presidency of Uganda. I used electronic methods to publicize my intention. I even gave particulars of my account in Cairo bank. Up to now, I am not aware that any money was ever wired to my account. I once wrote to the Governor Bank of Uganda with concern that may be Bank of Uganda was holding money meant to help my campaign. During that time, I used a number of emails as one after the other I would get them disabled. One such was (, the other I now get to imagine that may be, some parties ever sent in money to see my campaign and state agents intercepted it, turning into a funny Pension funding paying non – existing beneficiaries. If this is true, I have no better words, but it would be most absurd! William Kituuka Police Interrogate Public Service PS in connection to embezzlement Police has interrogated the Permanent Secretary to the ministry of Public Service Jimmy Lwamafa over embezzlement of pension funds. Three other ministry officials including the senior assistant records officer, Nabirye Grace Lwanga , Joan Natwenda the principal personnel officer and Joli Namera the commissioner for Human Resource management were interrogated. These were picked from the ministry headquarters in Wandegeya this afternoon. The officers were whisked away to the police CID headquarters in Kibuli for further investigations. This comes amid reports of loss of over 63 billion shillings to over 1018 ghost pensioners of the East African Community. Yesterday the national secretary of East African community beneficiaries association Peter Ssajabi was arrested in connection to the scam.

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