
Tuesday, January 1, 2013


TRAFFIC POLICE SHOUD GET A PERCENT OF THIER COLLECTIONS As we enter the year 2013, we must accept that we have great loss in the name of Road Carnage, and something can surely be done about this. The causes of traffic accidents in Uganda among others include: 1. Bad roads - currently along Jinja highway, a number of heavy trucks can be seen by the road side simply because of the weather (rain which makes the road side slippery); 2. Human error is a major cause of accidents; 3. Drunken driving; 4. Vehicles in poor mechanical condition; 5. Drivers who have not passed the drivers' test; 6. Driving under the influence of drugs; 7. Driving while on mobile phone; 8. Dangerously loaded vehicles. 9. Not respecting road signs; 10. Overspeeding; 11. The boda boda factor; The Traffic Police can play a crucial role in the reduction of accidents if they are given an incentive that may boost their income, that is getting a percentage of the Penalty Fines they give to motorists who don't observe the rules. It is a fact that the Traffic Police get money from motorists. When you are in some taxi's, you see the driver instructing his conductor the amount he has to pay to the traffic policeman. When this amount is paid, the errors on the vehicle are not handles, the next time, the vehicle is involved in some accident. The burden for caring for those affected by death and disability grows at a big rate in Uganda due to the road accidents. William Kituuka Kiwanuka Road Carnage Kills 2,954 persons in Eastern Uganda Drunken Driving key recipe to soaring accident rates in Uganda Close to 3,000 people in Eastern Uganda died in road accidents in 2010. The 2010 traffic report released recently By Kale Kaihura, the Inspector General of police shows that a total of 22,461 accidents occurred in eastern Uganda. Of these accidents, 2620were fatal, 9,866 were serious injuries, and 9,975 were minor accidents. Drunken driving has become a serious national concern, as road carnage statistics continue on an upward trend. About 42 percent of the accidents in Eastern Uganda are blamed on drunken driving while reckless driving causes 29.3 percent. Kaihura noted that the police have put in place strategic steps aimed at involving passengers, local leaders, and inspectorate of vehicles, drivers, transport managers, police and owners of the vehicles in the efforts to restore sanity on the roads.

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