
Tuesday, April 12, 2011


The good news is that at the School where i was head for 3 months as founder head teacher - Namutamba Secondary School; I found a portrait of Prof. Bukenya and I was impressed. Hope the Doctor will sacrifice something to aid this school.

On a sad note, I could not imagine the decay of teachers houses at my former school. It is true that the Government recently donated 7 classrooms to this school - Namutamba Demonstration; however, having good classrooms when the teachers are so miserable is terrible. The NRM Government killed and buried Namutamba and time is now to see this place back to life. The NRM Government under Museveni has made it impossible to get alternative leadership for country. The Museveni leadership must wake up to the challenges. Some of us cannot resort to fighting the system which has a poor record of service delivery, that is why we are against hopeless schemes like wasting tax payer billions on celebrating air. it disappoints to see people praising the developments in Rwanda when in Uganda people are busy stealing money. We are demanding for what is due to us. Museveni Government must deliver. School structures like those his Government found in place cannot be left to decay and collapse on the teachers.
The NRM Government MUST revisit strategies concerning Namutamba one of which is to see that Namutamba Grade III Teachers College gets back to Government support. secondly, many people would be better off if the Nagenda estate was providing employment. looks like Nagenda's have failed, can Government help because many people came to the place as a result of the work available when the estate management was okay, now nearly no body is employed and the estate is a white elephant.

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