
Thursday, September 8, 2011


As a non elected people's representative in Wakiso District, I wish to appeal to my O.B Engineer Peter Ssebanakitta, the Executive Director of Uganda National Roads Authority and my Hall-mate Makerere University - Engineer Kimeze among others to organize a forum to educate the people who are to be affected by the proposed new Entebbe Highway. It is true many people now know that this road is to affect them in one way or the other. There is need for example to show these people the routes which will connect the new highway to the existing Entebbe Highway. They need to know the procedure more so those with land titles part of whose land is to be eaten away by the road. Some people have got information that this road is to affect them but are not sure of how (how big the piece of their land is to be eaten into), this is important to start early identification of what next. There may be those holding titles yet the titles are in the name of the dead; they need to be advised early so that corrupt people don't use the opportunity to cheat them.
I have all the hope that UNRA and other organize will move fast enough in addressing this matter.
I thank you.
William Kituuka Kiwanuka

John Kasozi
9 June 2010
Kampala — Government is planning to construct an alternative highway from Entebbe to Kampala as a way of streamlining traffic flow. The studies for the alternative highway are expected to be complete by September.
"The works on the new Entebbe road start in the second half of next year, 2011. This road will connect to Kampala Northern Bypass at Busega," said Dan Kitakule Alinange of the Uganda National Roads Authority.
He said they were concentrating on the designs of the new road before widening the existing Entebbe Highway.
"The New Entebbe road will have four lanes and will have two interchanges at Abaitababiri before finding its way to Nakawuka, Kabojja and Busega-Kyengera. It will connect to the Kibuye - Busega - Mpigi dual carriageway," he explained.
"The new road will connect with the current Entebbe- Kampala road at Abaitababiri. Then, the second interchange will be around Kajjansi which will have a road connecting to Munyonyo. We shall also have a third interchange at Ssisa town," Alinange explained.
"It is high time we have another route accessing Kampala and Entebbe," he said observing the existing highway to Entebbe was last reconstructed between 1996 and 1997.
Alinange said the estimated construction cost of the new Entebbe road is $90m which will include compensation.
"Currently, we are evaluating tenders for the companies that will carryout compensation. We expect compensation to start in July at the beginning of the new financial year 2010-2011."
"Entebbe and Kampala need to have a modern highway to ease traffic congestion. It will also divert motorists who want to connect to southern and western regions without going through Kampala," said Alinange.
He noted that new Entebbe road is the first priority before the expansion of other roads like the Kampala to Jinja, Kampala to Masaka and Kampala to Entebbe, to dual carriageways.
He declined to give details about the exact route the new road will follow, saying "We cannot disclose where the new Entebbe road is going to pass. It helps us avoid speculators who are in a habit of buying land so as to be compensated a lot of money." Work on the expansion of Kampala to Jinja, Kampala to Entebbe and Kampala to Masaka is expected to start end of next year or early 2012.
"Dual carriageways are built basing on the studies of traffic flow. Any single carriageway at anytime of the day that has an average of 8,000 vehicles traveling on it qualifies for a dual carriageway," explained Alinange.
He said Kampala-Mukono road handles from 18,000 to 25,000 vehicles per day.
"The design of Kampala to Mpigi dual carriageway will start at Kibuye. After the expansion of the three busiest highways, we shall take on Kampala-Hoima and Kampala- Bombo roads."
May 3, 2011
The parliamentary session in Kampala yesterday of the soon to be retired outgoing house – when it makes way for the newly elected members – made a landmark decision to approve the proposed funding for the Entebbe highway. Government is now able to conclude a loan agreement with China over 350 million US Dollars, which will help to design the new highway, acquire land where necessary and then build it, connecting the ‘Northern Bypass’ to a new routing around the present major emerging population centres at the ‘old route’. The two highways will join just outside the municipality but will have several access points, notably near Lweza / Kajjansi from where a lakeside road will then lead to the Munyonyo side of the city, and from near Abaita Ababire, home of Nkumba University and the last centre outside Entebbe itself.
From where the ‘two’, the old and new highway meet, a dual carriage section will be added to allow swifter traffic to the international airport, but widening that section will require some major land and building acquisitions which are thought to be a challenge, in terms of both cost and the speed required to complete the project within the planned time frame.
There was expressed unease though by several parliamentarians over certain terms of the loan agreement, which also included the use of a Chinese consulting firm and a Chinese construction company, preventing any competitive bidding for the project and thereby setting aside the Ugandan procurement laws altogether. The loan, with a grace period of five years, is repayable over a twenty year period and the income from the toll road will be used towards repayment and maintenance. Subject to land acquisition construction is set to start in 2012 and could be completed by 2015, staying with the grace period during which no payments to the Chinese state bank are due.
Once ready visitors to the ‘Pearl of Africa’ will have a totally new arrival experience when driving to the city while being able to enjoy some very scenic sights as they ‘cruise’ through the evergreen landscapes. For more information on the country go to
Sh800b for new Kampala-Entebbe Road
Friday, 8th April, 2011

The expressway will join the existing Kampala-Entebbe Road at Abayita Ababiri and will also include a 14.1km spur to Munyonyo.

THE Government wants to borrow US$350m (over sh800b) from the Export-Import Bank of China to fund the proposed Kampala-Entebbe Expressway in a bid to decongest Kampala city.

The request was tabled in Parliament earlier this week by state minister for investment, Aston Kajara, and will be scrutinised by the relevant committee, which will make a report to the House.

The Kampala-Entebbe Expressway is part of the measures to decongest the Central Business District and enhance trade movement through, within and out of the greater Kampala Metropolitan Area,” a brief in Parliament stated.

The statement noted that urban congestion is increasing in Kampala at an estimated rate of 4.5% annually with increased motorisation, Kampala is facing heavy traffic jams, especially during the peak hours.

The project involves construction of a new highway starting from Busega-Mityana junction and would end at Entebbe airport.
The expressway will join the existing Kampala-Entebbe Road at Abayita Ababiri and will also include a 14.1km spur to Munyonyo.
Responding to concerns of members, Works and transport minister, John Nasasira explained that the Kampala-Entebbe Road can no longer accommodate current traffic.

He added that both the old and new roads would be used concurrently. He added there would be a toll for the new road.

Meanwhile, Kajara also tabled a request to borrow $102.8m from Japan International Cooperation Agency to construct a second bridge across the River Nile at Jinja. He said the bridge had developed structural defects.

The Government is also seeking to borrow €75m (about sh255b) from agency Francaise de Development and another €75m (about sh255b) from the European Investment Bank to support the Kampala water-Lake Victoria Watsan project.

Uganda: Where New Entebbe Road is Coming From, and Going
Nicholas Sengoba
25 January 2011
In case you haven't heard, starting July this year, Uganda will build a new modern 54-kilometre road connecting Kampala and Entebbe, with parts having four and others six lanes.
At a cost of $6 million per kilometre and a total cost of over $300 million, it will be one of the most expensive roads in the world, and motorists shall need to pay a toll to enjoy its comfort. So determined are the powers that be to keep it exclusive that they intend to use microchip technology to monitor and ensure payment from those that dare use the road.
The tax payer is being asked to pay a road toll yet he pays a percentage to the road fund for every litre of fuel a motorist buys. So why the added burden to build this expensive road for the use of a small privileged group of people? The answer lies in the important people and the place where the road is originated.
Entebbe has had expensive stories all related to the presidency. First, the State House was renovated at a cost of about $50 million, making it one of the most expensive buildings of its magnitude in the world. Because what is visible to the naked eye does not suggest that all that money went into the building, the rumour mill often ridiculously had it that there were all sorts of security gadgets including bunkers and lengthy tunnels meant to aid the safety and escape of that principle occupant in case he or she was besieged.
Then came the one about the presidential jet -an exclusive custom-made piece of aeronautical engineering that flew in with several security features among other comforts and conveniences. Its wings spread out about $40 million.
Significantly, the new road comes in the wake of revelations by controversial whistle blower website, WikiLeaks. It claimed that President Museveni had at a June 13, 2008, meeting with former US Assistant Secretary for Africa, Ms Jendayi Frazer, expressed fear that the Libyan Leader Col. Muammar Gadaffi was planning to shoot down his plane as he travelled in international airspace. It alleged that he asked for additional air radar information to ensure his safety.
That came after several security sources had intimated that Entebbe State House, though modern and secure on top of a hill, was not exactly safe. It is said in case of an attack that requires the occupant to beat a hasty retreat, he may encounter difficulties especially if the airport next door is suspected of having belligerent snipers who may bring down a fleeing aircraft. The lake would also be too risky. Because is too vast, a runaway speed boat would be severely exposed.
The only alternative would be fleeing by road, dissolving among the ordinary folk to provide cover or act as a shield as one prepares his defence or eventual flight into exile. Trouble is that the current Entebbe Road is a narrow alley, ever busy and jammed with traffic. This would slow down any one fleeing from Entebbe and jeopardise his security.
That is why a new wide road with various alternatives, intersections and turns with traffic limited by the payment of a road toll makes security sense as it offers a wide range of opportunities in case of flight. It further points out clearly that President Museveni is not about to leave power. You can bet your shirt that as the President perpetuates himself in power after a quarter of a century, he will naturally feel resentment and insecurity.
Personal security will be his major concern as he continues with this quest to stay at the helm. This new road is a sequel to that effect and you may argue that this is not the last. Do not be surprised if next you hear of an ultra modern multi million dollar heath facility springing up. There are people whose lives now, more than ever, need to be taken care of in a special way.
Mr Sengoba is a commentator on political and social issues
100 Billion for new Entebbe road compensation

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