
Thursday, September 8, 2011


It is not good for President Museveni to front his son (my O. B at St Mary's College Kisubi) for a successor at Presidential level. Much as Muhoozi has the military achievements, it is wrong for President Museveni to even imagine that his family will play things as a King, it will simply be disaster for not only his family but could go beyond to a number who have benefited from his administration. My simple advice to President Museveni is that, he should think about retiring from Uganda Presidency and leave other people to contest for the office hence get his family safe guarded by his leaving power without being forced. May be the President may not be aware, the truth is that many people have had enough with his leadership, what can save them now is for him to clear out of office come 2016. Ugandans, given that many are out of the country are capable of making a campaign for him like that of Gaddafi and surely, when such a time is ripe he will have no choice but to go at whatever cost to the people of Uganda. It will be very wrong for the President to down play this and imagine that to his mistakes for nearly 30 years now, people can stand another family rule headed by Muhoozi. The family must have made a good fortune now, and the best is simply to quit peacefully to stay secure.
As regards Muhoozi's potential to lead Uganda, may be he could try, but at least those who hope to lead Uganda should be self made. Museveni made his strategies to rule Uganda while still in school and 'God has helped him to achieve his ambition', but things may not just work out for Muhoozi. What I know about Muhoozi is that one day while Brother Joseph Tinkasimire was Headmaster of St. Mary's College Kisubi, he had a call to State House and when Tinka went there, the issue was to fix Muhoozi at SMACK. Unlike many of us who had to sweat and struggle to join SMACK, Muhoozi had his opportunity that way, and he had all the guards, etc. People who go through in such away may not make the type of leaders who can cope with the scheming the leaders we have are. My advice to Museveni remains that it is best not to go through an experience like that of Gaddafi given that many Ugandans want a change and bringing in a son may worsen the situation.
William Kituuka Kiwanuka

Kainerugaba was born on 24 April 1974 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania to Yoweri Museveni, the current President of Uganda and Janet Museveni, the Minister for Karamoja Affairs since May 2011.
As a child, Kainerugaba attended schools in Tanzania, Kenya and Sweden. After his father became President of Uganda, he attended schools like Kampala Parents School and St. Mary's College Kisubi, a residential middle and high school, located approximately halfway between Kampala and Entebbe. He graduated in 1994.[5]
According to Kainerugaba, he started military training in 1994 after he left high school. But he did not formally join the UPDF until 1999. That year, he was married and soon after, was admitted to the Royal Military College Sandhurst, graduating in 2000. He was later admitted to Egyptian Military Academy where he took both the company and battalion commanders courses. He also has attended the Kalama Warfare Training School in Kabamba, Mubende District, Central Uganda.[6] In 2007 he was admitted to a one-year course at the United States Army Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, graduating in June 2008.
Upon his return to Uganda from Sandhurst in 2000, Kainerugaba was assigned to the Presidential Protection Unit as a Second Lieutenant. In 2001, he was promoted to the rank of Major in the UPDF.[8] As a Major, he became a brigade commander in the Presidential Guard Brigade. Following his graduation from Fort Leavenworth in 2008, he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and appointed Commander of the Special Forces Group in the Uganda People's Defence Force.

Posted by Andy on Sep 8th, 2011 // No Comment

Wikileaks has released remarks allegedly made by Captain Mike Mukula, the NRM Vice Chairperson in Eastern Uganda to a US diplomat stating, among other things that President Yoweri Museveni is grooming his son Lt. Col. Muhoozi Kainerugaba to succeed him at the helm.

The revelation has caused a lot of stir in Uganda with different political groups coming out to oppose the move. The UPC strong man, Moses Byarugaba yesterday warned President Yoweri Museveni against grooming his son Muhoozi Kaineruga as the next president saying that the move will cause unrest in Uganda. Byarugaba citied the examples of former leaders Mubutu Seseko of the former Zaire and Conel Gaddafi, the former president of Libya who also wanted to have their sons as successors and advised Museveni not to follow their path.

Captain Mike Mukula also talked about what he called the complete dominance of Museveni’s Banyankole ethnic group throughout the government, military, and business community. It looked like Captain Mukula was not happy with the way the Ankole people are dominating the economic, political and social spheres of life in Uganda

He also said that the NRM now serves as nothing more than platform for the President, springing to life only during election campaigns. The Wikileaks cables also quote Mukula as describing the Uganda People’s Defence Forces as Museveni’s personal army.

The government came out and described the Statements made by Mukula as unfortunate and unfounded. Security Minister Samson Muruli Mukasa emphasized that Muhoozi is a soldier in the Ugandan army like any other and his promotions have been based on merit not nepotism as implied. Muruli also stressed that the president’s son Muhoozi Kainerugaba does not enjoy special status in the army.


  1. The United States alone gives Uganda $593 million every year in foreign aid. Uganda ranks number 13 of the top 15 list that receive over $300m in Aid money every year from other international donors such as Great Britain. Rwanda is number 14 behind Uganda and Mozambique completes the list. The last two countries have recovered from devastating wars in the past two decades, same as Uganda.
    But both Rwanda and Mozambique can pay their civil servants including MPs handsomely while maintaining a steady path towards improving their infrastructure, education and health.
    Question is . . .; where does all the money go? You don't need a degree in psychology to work that out. Official unprecedented corruption and mismanagement is number one culprit. Number two is the current bloated public administration in Uganda that is designed not to serve the public but a direct consequence of President Museveni's regime survival strategy. Number three; there is an unjustified arms build-up too. Uganda recently bought fighter jets and other equipment from Russia worth US$740 without parliamentary approval. The regime keeps pumping undisclosed amounts of money to beef up the so called Special Forces division led by the president's son Col. Muhoozi Kainerugaba.
    It is a shame that unlike Kigali and Maputo both if which are visibly glittering with care and good governance, Kampala does not look a bit like number 14 in the best pampered recipients of millions of aid money annually.
    Makes me wonder, what else have the officials in Kampala have to do to force the donors to turn off the taps.

    Justice - London

  2. I like the comment. It is spot on. Thank you.
