
Saturday, December 31, 2011


Lordship Right Rev. Bishop Michaud’s Letter to Students October 26, 1941
My Dear Students,
You Must Be The Leaders In Uganda.
“I wish to take this opportunity of expressing my sincere gratitude to Rev. Brother Maurice, Principal, for the very keen interest he has taken in his work for this College, and the way he has led the students.
I have also to express my gratitude to all members of the staff for their loyal support and their unfailing efforts for the good of the school.
Last of all in this connection, and I think, the most important of all, I have to pay tribute to your spirit, boys, a spirit of real determination to do well which has animated you, in this, and in past years, a spirit which has earned success and which promises well for your future.
And this brings me straight to the subject of my address to you, To-day – YOUR FUTURE… You must become LEADERS. The aim of St. Mary’s is to produce Leaders in Uganda, in Africa. And you will never turn out to be leaders if you are not a personality; if you are not a character, a person having strength of mind.
You must be somebody… To be somebody, is to cultivate oneself, to study to make progress, with a heart full of enthusiasm, and a soul thirsting for beauty, eager for perfections; and no drawback, no suffering, can prevent us of reaching that goal.
Culture… What is culture? The culture of a mind is not measured by the quality of the things learnt. To be cultured, is not to know much; it is not to heap up plenty of knowledge; to store learning; it is not to be well of Science; a walking dictionary; it is not to be a living memento; it is neither to have read every thing, nor to have seen everything; it is not to be able to speak about everything even with a certain competence, one also may deceive others and make them believe he has culture.
One must oppose stored knowledge to “assimilate knowledge” (to assimilate, as you know, is to absorb and incorporate food into the system). Those are cultured who are able to assimilate knowledge.
For there is knowledge, which is only hung upon us, which is left at the door of our mind, and has not entered into it. That knowledge remains on the surface of our soul. On the contrary you have other learning, and knowledge, and information, which bind and tie themselves to our ideas, to our remembrance, to our passions, to our desires… they thus become an element, a part of our own self…they are in us flesh, blood, spirit and life. Between that knowledge and us, there is action and reaction, and it modifies itself and modifies us at the same time… there is assimilation. A person of culture digests what he learns… It is a man who has a good stomach…
To sum up … Culture is what is left in our mind, when we have forgotten everything… yes but the aptitude (the readiness in learning) is left, that is, the disposition or fitness to assimilate any knowledge.
Again to be a LEADER, to be somebody, it is not enough to be cultivated. One must before all conquer himself at the cost of long efforts.
It is true. But the results are worth the battle. Why should we give up out of discouragement? We conquer ourselves slowly, with method, with perseverance by a merciless struggle, without respite.
President Roosevelt once said that every success is made of 10% of inspiration and 90% of perspiration. How true it is!
Each one of us has his own deep tendencies, his own propensities, and we have to utilize them for the highest expression of our personality. It is our daily task to master our sensibility, to stimulate our energy.
To be somebody, is to forge, to coin our soul in accustoming her to the strife; that battle against our own self; against the passions: a contest which will cease only when we die…(for, we Catholics, know so well we bear the consequence of the original sin).
Such a hard struggle supposes evidently that we receive blows, and wounds… sometimes we may fall… but it is nature law: all transformation is preceded by a death. We cannot lift up our soul without pulling her away from the earth, and it is done painfully.
For there is not a minute of our life in which there is not a duty; and we know that duty does not beseech and pray, but it commands. And to answer the call of duty we must know to constrain ourselves, and if necessary, to suffer.
Efforts, endeavours, are the essential condition of success, or whatever name you call it… In spite of the roughness of effort we are wrong to fear it. Effort is the honour, the merit, and the beauty of life. The harshness of effort is cause of its fruitfulness.
Then, in a higher sphere, let us neglect nothing to sanctify our soul. For what are we to be? Leaders? Yes, but CATHOLIC LEADERS. And a Catholic Leader must be able to sanctify himself by sacrificing himself. When you raise yourself above your passions, above your weakness, and your mediocrity, it is not to enjoy a peace bought at such a cost, but to be full of kindness to all; but to understand more and give out more: in a word TO SERVE…
To be a Catholic Leader, to be somebody, to be a character, to live very high, to control our passion, we must SERVE.
Christ the King our master, our Divine Model, did not simply give the example of an extraordinary life, of an admirable teaching; but He was kind; He did any one service: He healed the sick, fed the hungry, helped the humble, and that conquered their hearts, and prepared them to hear and accept His gospel. To serve … We must not forget this lesson of our Lord.
Of course let us develop in ourselves the natural qualities which will enable us to be a living example to those we live with; let us dream of the conquest of souls… Let us acquire the Science necessary to realize our aims. But all that must not make us forget to act… ACTION. It is all very good to be a true knight, ardent, polite, pure, enthusiastic, devoted, learned and full of good ideas… But if we do not act… our value as Catholic Leaders will be poor.
Let us live in the reality and not in dream.
Then, my dear students work here in St. Mary’s, not only to prepare your future task, but also to give your next neighbours, some peace and happiness. Do not look for some great and sublime occasion to serve, to devote yourselves, you perhaps often forget that a humble brother near you is just waiting for the word which would cheer him up; the gesture, which would help and save him. Do not look too far away, and too high up, but look in front of you, and at your sides.
Thus, the young leader-to-be, in St. Mary’s, not only must dream high, and see on a large scale, in grand style; he must not only be a good example; but he must HELP the others… to serve… He will help the poor, the sick, he will help his friends; his fellow students, charity of his affection; charity of his good advices; of his time…with patience he will share their joys, and their sorrows.
In short, the Leader-to-be will not only be polite and correct, but also will sacrifice himself, and devote himself to the material and moral services of his brother, and show others what is kindness… Action…Service…
Now I want to consider another important aspect of our subject. RESPONSIBILITY, that is, that for which one is responsible, is accountable, is answerable. A leader must have a sense of responsibility.
Yesterday is yesterday; it teaches us, it brings us experiences, traditions, energies; and also evils, which we must ignore and throw away… Yes, but yesterday should not make us forget our responsibility.
For you, young Catholic Leaders, your responsibilities are three fold: First: You have the responsibility of your soul, which you must save by all means. You are responsible for your own soul, and nobody else is.
Then prepare yourselves for the struggle of life. You have also the responsibility of your temporal future, which you must prepare in acquiring the science and knowledge and experience necessary.
Especially here in this College, you make your own tools for your future life. Learn before all to think. It is a great privilege to have the liberty of thinking and judging by ourselves. Do not accept to be condemned to deal with ready made opinions you collect around you, repeating what others repeat from house to house: common place – topics, and common place subjects…
Be yourselves… be the authors of your own convictions, and work without respite to grow interiorly… in a word be personal. Otherwise you do not live…you vegetate…
Your second responsibility is the souls of your brothers; the souls of those who share your life. You must try to communicate to them by dint of devotedness and sacrifice, the ardent faith, which should be yours. Thy Kingdom come!
Your third responsibility is the future of your country. It is indispensable to prepare yourselves, with all those of your generation, in order that in 10, 15, or 20 years you be ready to become the leaders of the family, of the profession, of the city and the country…yes but Catholic Leaders.
Young students of St. Mary’s do you think of this threefold responsibility? Do you prepare to shoulder it? If not, you will betray your cause, and leave the way opened to the enemy. Indeed such an effort is hard; it seems to be severe… it claims of you the sacrifice of your selfishness: and that means a lot. It requires a personal work of training and of radiance, which precisely frightens our instinctive laziness and our natural cowardice. But be sure that such endeavour, by self-denial, and abnegation and perseverance and an incessant struggle, will merit you the success you desire.
Again have you, with the knowledge of your responsibilities towards your soul, towards your brothers, towards your country, that of the work to be taken in hand, to answer their exigencies? Here are the very problems, which command your future.
From the solution given by you, Young Catholics, a new Christendom may arise in Africa. That and no less should be your aim. It will be a long and arduous task to attain it. But you shall certainly not achieve your purpose if you hold back timidly for fear that you may make mistakes. Of course you shall make mistakes, but you shall, by the grace of God, make also much that is right, and good, and is lasting.
But be sure of one thing. Without Christ in the school you fight in vain to become true leaders. Education without religion is like a barren land. And a country without religion sooner or later marches to its doom. I know well that we agree on this point.
It is the Holy Father who said: “There are three virtues youth have to exercise in our days: obedience, purity of heart and piety.”
First OBEDIENCE, which Our Saviour exercised in His youth. Obedience is no weakness, but voluntary self-subordination under a principle, an act of virtue.
In the second place I mention the purity of heart, which I read in your eyes when you receive the Holy Communion. Purity is the reserve of all the spiritual and bodily forces, and a treasure for the whole life.
Thirdly, piety must be named and I remember a proverb: Who knows how to pray, is a man. Whoever would exercise virtue, wants the help of the Highest, and receives that grace by the power of prayer.
May Christ the King to whom we have devoted our lives this morning, on this great Feast Day, help us all to be obedient, to be pure of heart, and be pious. Thus, no doubt we shall be one day real Catholic Leaders in Africa… Christ the King must reign over us first, and over every creature…
Thy Kingdom come!”

Friday, December 30, 2011


Mothers and their attendants sit in the corridor in Mulago Hospital maternity ward awaiting discharge. This was during yesterday’s visit by the Leader of Opposition in Parliament, Mr Nandala Mafabi, and other legislators who were on a fact-finding mission on the hospital’s services. Photo by Stephen Otage
By Yasiin Mugerwa (email the author)

Posted Friday, December 30 2011 at 00:00

It is now a month, but Ms Harriet Akite, who came to Mulago Hospital looking for fibroids treatment, is still waiting for a doctor. She has not recovered, still struggles to speak, but is now looking for Shs100,000 to take her back to Apac. She was given a rusty bed in the corridors of Oncology Ward. More so, it is lunch time but Ms Akite is eating porridge.
She embodies the predicament of many Ugandans who seek medical service at country’s national referral hospital, Mulago. In the Labour Ward, expectant mothers are packed in dilapidated and tiny leaking rooms, and in Ward 4A, patients and their relatives use a single toilet. At the Cancer Institute, patients are put on drip while seated because beds are not enough.
The disclosure of the extent of the rot at the national referral hospital emerged yesterday when the Leader of Opposition in Parliament, Mr Nandala Mafabi, led a delegation of Shadow Cabinet members on a fact-finding mission at the hospital where they came face-to-face with reality.
“They are forcing us to buy medicine yet we don’t have the money. The doctors are telling us to blame government why can’t you help us,” a man in General Paediatric Ward shouted to the MPs.
“The sick people are sleeping on the floor yet others are getting treatment while standing,” Mr Mafabi said. “Mulago Hospital is sick and needs urgent help before it’s too late. Our people are suffering and what goes on in this hospital is unacceptable. One nurse is attending to 80 patients. If Mulago is sick how about other hospitals?”

Where is the problem?
The hospital executive director, Dr Byarugaba Baterana, bemoaned the congestion and understaffing.
“Poor staff remuneration is a serious challenge. Currently staffs get Shs110,000 consolidated allowances monthly. This should be increased to at least 330,000 to motivate them. But the hospital budget doesn’t permit this. Food is medicine but with our recurrent expenditure we can’t feed patients. Patients diversion to nearby clinics is another challenge the hospital is facing.”
However, Health ministry Permanent Secretary Asuman Lukwago said ideological objective is what is lacking in Mulago, adding that government has secured a loan of $88 million (about Shs200b) from the African Development Bank to rehabilitate Mulago. To decongest Mulago, two hospitals under Kampala Capital City Authority will be constructed in Kawempe and Kiruddu.
While Mr Mafabi and Dr Lulume Bayiga, the shadow health minister, promised to take the fight to Parliament, the Deputy Executive Director, Dr Doreen Birabwa apologised for the shortcomings at the hospital.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Ugandans must stop handling the corrupt, better call them the National Treasury thieves with kid gloves. We are being silly as well as stupid to look on as a few people are exploiting the country. The type of suffering many Ugandans go through is greatly blamed on those in power who are simply looting the resources meant to benefit the masses. We have seen free medical services in Amin's time. If the NRM Government is able to tax the people of Uganda to the extent of leaving them paupers, the tax money MUST be seen go to productive sectors. It surprises to find in some areas of Uganda fruit trees flourish so well, but unfortunately, instead of the politicians planning to see how the locals can benefit from these fruits, they are simply busy stealing the little there is. Whoever is dishing out money to the politically connected thieves has one option, just to resign. No body in Uganda is above the Constitution, and if there is such a one, time is now to see the power put right. It disturbs to see everything wrong, and yet some funny guys are putting up complex buildings in an economy which long ago went to the dogs. Surely, the cost of utilities is the first thing which puts off many would be investors. You cannot invest transparently to lose money.
We have to do things right. Whoever imagines that he/she will use guns to loot Uganda must know that it is his backwardness that is deceiving him. We cannot sit back as people loot the country left and right. If one has no resources to undertake a project, he/she must give in, but not turn around to steal the treasury money. We are fed up of this stupid thieving, and it has to stop.
The Auditor General must get serious on auditing before funds are spent. It does not make sense any more to tell us that politically connected thieves have looted so many billions. There should be no such looting if the auditor generals office can get to audit all these transactions before they take place. It is hopeless continuing with a process which is time wasting with no sound recoveries made. At the same time, we must be concerned about chief executives who get astronomical sums of money. it is possible that one of the reasons they get this money is to have their organizations involved in deals that can easily get covered up. It may not be possible for example to establish who may have originated a transaction through a bank where big sums of money may have been lost as the bank can help handle such money without getting the originator's name or beneficiary name directly involved. We must wake up, because the NRM revolution has a lot of dirt unfortunately.
William Kituuka Kiwanuka


Posted Thursday, December 29 2011 at 00:00

In Summary

Petitioner wants court to restrain government, Tullow and Heritage from undertaking further dealings in exploration, production and selling oil in the Albertine Grabben.


A lawyer, acting in his private capacity as a citizen, has petitioned court to issue an injunction restraining government from signing any oil deals.
Mr Hamada Mulumba through Bwambale , Musede and Co. Advocates has petitioned court to restrain the Attorney General, Heritage Oil and Gas Limited and Tullow Uganda from “undertaking any further dealings including but not limited to exploration, production, selling, assigning, transferring any interest in exploration Area 3A (EA-3A) kingfisher (Kajubirizi) of the Albertine Graben.”
Tullow Uganda, one of the oil firms jointly sued with government, said they had received the suit. “Tullow is aware of the petition and shall follow due process to contest this case,” said Ms Cathy Adengo, the corporate communications manager.

Parliament decides
The suit comes after the NRM caucus recently voted to allow government sign off oil deals to start oil production despite earlier resolutions by Parliament halting oil transactions until enabling laws are enacted.
President Museveni announced early this month that he would sign off the deals with Total, CNOOC and Tullow by January. But Mr Mulumba in the suit filed on December 22 wants court to declare that the government granted exploration licences to the oil firms in total disregard of the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets regulations. He also wants a declaration that Kingfisher discovery ceased to form part of the petroleum exploration area for Heritage and Tullow.

Raw deal
The petitioner also wants a declaration that the transfer of interests by Heritage to Tullow was null and void. The petitioner quotes former Energy Minister Hilary Onek’s letter written on August 17, 2010, to prove that Tullow illegally owns Kingfisher well. “The period within which you are supposed to have applied for a petroleum production licence for the Kingfisher field expired in February 2010,” Mr Onek wrote to Tullow and Heritage.
“In accordance with the powers entrusted to the minister under section 19 (1) (b) of the Act, I hereby direct that the Kingfisher (Kajubirizi) Discovery Area has ceased to form part of the Petroleum Exploration Area 3A (EA-3A) under the exploration licence granted to you on September 8, 2004,” it adds.
In his petition, Mr Mulumba also wants court to compel Heritage and Tullow to account “to the government for benefits accumulated ever since their illegal utilisation of Exploration Area 3A and pay a statutory fine of Shs100m for acting without a valid license.” The petitioner wants the government to comply with PPDA rules in any future oil transactions.
Mr Mulumba’s lawyers said court had fixed hearing of their application for certificate of urgency today. “This is an urgent matter but court is on vacation. We are trying to get a certificate of urgency to have this matter fixed during vacation so that it can be heard,” said Denis Musede, adding: “Intended sell is to take place any time before the end of January; we want a temporary injunction restraining the transaction before the hearing of the main suit.”


It is a fact that there are discrepancies in figures; a case in point is when in 2006 the Uganda Bureau of Statistics openly disputed the number of registered voters. It is common sense that NRM Government has manipulated figures over the years to achieve various intentions. However, this practice cannot go on for ever. In the process, the NRM administration has achieved in being at the leadership top in Uganda for now over 25 years. The question is: What has NRM delivered to Ugandans? The answer is debts.
Time is now to get to the drawing board and do things right as educated and visionary people. Selfish and hopeless intentions cannot drive the future of Uganda. We cannot have a currency depreciating all the time simply because a handful of people are implementing hopeless schemes. We must be seen productive given the natural resources of the country. Time has run out for those who sing hopeless songs that they fought. You fight to enrich yourself and see resources of the country looted. It simply cannot work and those who have been in the practice of this must stop. This backwardness in their practice of Government business cannot go on as Ugandans look on. Whoever loots property for Ugandans will at some moment in time pay back.
In the meantime, Government should have projects to do with population figures like the voter register, the National Identity cards done by one Government department which will ensure that all the figures are consistent. We are feed up of stupid figures, the registering of non - Ugandans to vote, name them.
The duty is ours to clean the mess the 25 year old NRM has cause to the country and its future.
William Kituuka Kiwanuka

Written by Editorial
Sunday, 24 April 2011 17:32
The Immigration and Citizenship Directorate has announced that the first batch of the long-awaited national identity cards is ready for distribution.
It has also been reported that the ID cards will be officially launched on May 12 by President Museveni during his swearing-in ceremony at Kololo Airstrip in Kampala. According to the minister of state for Internal Affairs, Matia Kasaija, there is a plan for the President to distribute the IDs to other top government officials present.
German firm, Mühlbauer Technology Group, is behind the controversial Shs 185bn project which it embarked on in the run-up to the just ended general elections.
A ministry of Internal Affairs delegation told Parliament’s Defence and Internal Affairs committee last week that after the President and other top officials have been served, national IDs will be given to the people registered as voters by the Electoral Commission last year.
The idea of national IDs is noble and has been on the cards for such a long time. However, merging the ID project with the bio-metric voter registration system, as the government has sought to do, is problematic.
Besides, our view is that seeking to politicise the project by launching it on President Museveni’s swearing-in is ill-advised.
It is a fact that a lot of Ugandans, either out of apathy, cynicism, lack of trust in the electoral system, or any other reason, do not participate in the country’s electoral processes. Therefore, using the voter register as a benchmark for national IDs will exclude these citizens.
In addition, voter registration in Uganda is a highly contentious issue and politicians never seem to agree on how many genuine voters are therein. Integrating the national ID project with such a discredited system will no doubt raise serious credibility issues for the former.
To protect its integrity and keep it free of politics, the national ID project should be handled independently.
In fact, with adequate support, the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) could have done this at a reasonable cost. As it is now, a lot of money is being spent on a project that not many people will have faith in.

The Uganda Electoral Commission has announced that a total of 13,954,129 Ugandans have been registered to vote in the 2011 general elections.
The Electoral Commission Chairman, Eng. Dr. Badru Kiggundu says the national voters register is complete and all polling stations have been issues with their respective voters registers.
He says despite concerns from several stakeholders over the none issuance of voters cards to some registered voters, the electoral commission will allow all people who are registered to vote.
Kiggundu says only registered voters will be allowed to vote at the polling station where they are registered, and this shall include persons whose particulars and photographs appear on the National Voters’ Register, whether they have a Voters’ Card or not, as per Section 34 of the Parliamentary Elections Act, (as amended).
He says according to Section 35 of the Presidential Elections Act (as amended), a person who has a Voters’ Card and whose particulars appear on the National Voters’ Register, but whose photograph is missing, shall also be allowed to vote, after proper identification.
The Electoral Commission in a press statement says non issuance of voters cards is due to the fact that all regiered voters are going to be given National Identity Cards under another government project currently being run by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Dr. Abed Bwanika
The President of the People’s Development Party, Dr. Abed Bwanika who is competing in the presidential elections says the opposition cannot trust the results of elections where voters have no voters cards. He says this will open room for all people; include underage and foreigners to vote.
Other opposition leaders like Dr. Kizza Besigye of the Inter party Colaition/ Forum for Democratic Change says the over 14 million voters on the register is an inflated number given that Uganda has an estimated population of 32 million people, 51% of whom are below 15years.
But Kiggundu insists that the national voters register is accurate and population estimates are not accurate like the voters register which resulted from nationwide system registration of people for the voting exercise in 2011


Kato Lubwama and Abbey Mukiibi in the picture should stop advertising free tickets as they are a disincentive to work and promote the begging mentality among able people.
It is currently the practice that CBS FM 88.8FM organizes a function on the eve of the New Year during which time His Highness King Ronald Mutebi unveils the New Year. This function calls for a number of organizations and corporate individuals to offer free entry tickets to witness the coming of the New Year in style. This practice of raising shs 5,000 to pay entry fee to able bodied persons should be discouraged as it encourages laziness. Our people ought to work and not wait for free things. Much as CBC gets revenue in this form, it is high time free tickets became history. Rather the radio can get into a drive to identify children who are really vulnerable and encourage those who can help the children circumstances such that these children are afforded a decent future.
William Kituuka Kiwanuka


What the people would like to see is not politics but service delivery in Kampala. The coming of Muluri Mukasa in Kampala should not see increase in politics of differences between the Movement and the opposition parties, but the addressing of issues which make Kampala unfit to continue with the status of a capital city for Uganda. To understand Kampala well, one needs to go around after it has rained. It is a big shame. 2ndly, there is the problem of awarding contracts to companies which have a repute in being politically connected but not in serving the people. If a company is entrusted with collecting revenues on grounds that an agreed amount is expected, it is a disservice to the people who use Kampala facilities to see the revenue collectors instead diverting the revenue to other use as the city is starved. It is illogical to keep such companies running contracts. The same goes to those that are good at delivering subp-standard work. Uganda MUST graduate from a lousy country given the selfish interests of some political players.
Hope Muluri will make a difference.
William Kituuka


While many of us believe in prayers making miracles, we jointly have to back the prayers with action. If it is exposing the wrong people in society for example the thieves however big they seem to look we ought to do it. If it means better laws, the Parliament as the third arm of Government must wake up to the task, not to wait for bribes by the powers that be.
William Kituuka

Archbishop Henry Luke Orombi greets Minister Sam Kutesa’s wife after the Christmas service at All Saints Cathedral in Nakasero as Gen. Aronda Nyakairima, the army commander (L) and Mr Kutesa look on. Photo by Stephen Otage
By Monitor Team

Posted Tuesday, December 27 2011 at 00:00

As hundreds thronged various churches to celebrate Christmas Day, religious leaders across the country centred their sermons on the hard times the country is currently going through and called for God’s intervention to save the economy from crumbling.

Namirembe Diocesan Bishop, the Rev. Wilberforce Kityo Luwalira, in his sermon said the country has, in the course of the year, faced numerous challenges of inflation, demonstrations, child abuse, murder and domestic violence that have stirred people’s lives.

“We need Jesus, who is a master planner and builder, whose love is unconditional and the prince of peace to be born in our country for a prosperous and bright future,” Bishop Luwalira prayed. The Archbishop of Kampala Archdiocese, Dr Cyprian Lwanga Kizito, said Christmas comes at a time when the country is faced with a number of challenges.

Some of the challenges he outlined include loss of family values, increasing poverty caused by the rise in prices for most of the commodities, land grabbing, uncontrolled road accidents and domestic violence.

Calling for unity
While at Rubaga Cathedral, the main celebrant and also Kampala Auxiliary Bishop, the Rev. Bishop Christopher Kakooza, urged leaders not to discriminate against their subjects. “Leaders should be seen treating every one equally,” he told the congregation, which included vice President Edward Ssekandi, former vice president Gilbert Bukenya and MPs.

During the same mass, Mr Ssekandi, who addressed the faithful for the first time since his appointment as VP, commended the church for its support to government, especially in the education and health sectors.
Mr Ssekandi said government also intends to introduce higher education support fund to save parents from the escalating university fees.

According to the VP, beneficiaries will strictly be students in higher institutions of learning and will be obliged to pay back after school when they start working. He said the government will also provide capital for graduates to start up their own businesses instead of turning into job seekers.

The Archbishop of the Church of Uganda, the Rev. Henry Luke Orombi, told believers to lead a courageous life in 2012 if they are to hope for many blessings, saying that 2011 was a year of mixed blessings riddled with good and tough times.

At All Saints Church in Kampala, Orombi also told leaders to first seek for spiritual guidance from God when discharging national duties so as to avoid traps that can mess them up. At Watoto Church, Pastor Joshua Mugabi urged the faithful to take stock of their lives and discover their purpose in life.

Likening Christians’ lives to the 2011 presidential campaigns where there were many people whose roles were never understood, he challenged them to avoid following suit. At Christ the King church, Parish Priest Gerald Kalumba urged Christians to do away with rejecting Christ if they are to have a better country that is sin-free.

While in Luweero, Bishops Paul Ssemogerere of Kasana-Luweero Diocese and Evans Mukasa Kisekka warned of political rifts and corruption in the country.

Reported by Mercy Nalugo, Robert Mwanje, Flavia Nalubega, Ephraim Kasozi, Flavia Lanyero, Stephen Otage, Lydia Namono and Dan Wandera

Monday, December 26, 2011


Pastor Mulinde now blind after an Acid attack
Posted by Muwonge Gerald on December 26th, 2011
The Pentecostal and Christian world was today morning rocked by the news of an acid attack on Pastor Umar Mulinde. Mulinde is one of the most famous Pentecostal preachers in Uganda.
The pastor has not enjoyed Christmas this year’s Christmas after he was attacked at mid night with acid while ushering this year’s Christmas.The acid attack happened after Pastor Mulinde led his congregation into night prayers that ushered in Christmas.
Witness says that after the attacker poured acid onto the pastor’s face he took off before he could be recognized. Mulinde fall down and started shouting calling for help from his followers who rushed him to Mengo hospital.
“The pastor conducted prayers in joyful mood and even asked Christian to repent for their sins. But all of sudden after the prayers when the pastor was leaving the church somebody came and attacked him with acid,” a witness said.
Pastor Mulinde is currently at International Hospital Kampala (IHK) where he was taken to Intensive care unit. His grieving wife Eve is beside him.

Pastor Umar Mulinde on his hospital bed. Standing is his wife.PHOTO:Nicholas Kajoba
By Taddeo Bwambale and Nicholas Kajoba
Three days after a suspected acid attack on Pastor Umar Mulinde of Gospel Life Church, Police has arrested one person in connection with the incident.
Addressing a press briefing on Monday, Police spokesperson, Asuman Mugenyi said one person had been arrested but declined to disclose the details. He confirmed that acid was used in the attack and said the police was carrying out investigations to establish the motive of the attackers.
Unknown people attacked Mulinde on Christmas Eve at about 9:00pm shortly after he returned from a church crusade. The attackers poured acid on him, leaving his face partly disfigured and his right eye is blinded.
His face, neck and arms are covered with deep black scars and his lips are swollen.
Narrating his ordeal to journalists at International Hospital, Kampala (IHK) , Mulinde said he was attacked by unidentified men whose target was to kill him.
“I was attacked by a man who claimed to be a Christian. He called out to me shouting, “pastor, pastor’ and as I turned to see who he was, he poured acid which burnt part of my face,” he said.
“As I turned away from the attacker, another man poured the liquid on my back and ran away shouting ‘Allah Akbar (God is great).”
Pastor Mulinde said he caught a glimpse of the attackers but could not disclose the details as this would jeopardise investigations. He blamed the attack to some people who are opposed to his conversion from the Islamic faith to Christianity.
“I have got threats for a very long time, but didn’t take them serious until now,” he said.
Mulinde was raised in a staunch Muslim family and his father served as the local Imam. He was a sheikh before getting converted to Christianity.
Mulinde said the attack occurred shortly after his church had concluded a seven-day crusade at in which over 300 people gave their lives to the Lord.
“We went back to our church to test the sound equipment and everything was perfect. We had organised a Christmas party for the converts when this happened,” he said. His followers rushed him to Mengo Hospital, where he was referred to IHK.
Efforts to get a comment from doctors about Mulinde’s condition were futile as hospital authorities blocked journalists from talking to them. A source told New Vision that doctors were trying hard to save his sight and contain the acid from spreading to other parts of his body.


It is a shame on the part of the people in the NRM camp who see Karuhanga and company as the enemies of the 'revolution', indeed they are the enemy of a thieving revolution disguised as delivering salvation to the people of Uganda whose resources are being looted every other day. I wish to tell those who see themselves comfortable in power that it is an illusion. What they take pride of can disappear in the tinkle of an eye. it is better for all of us to have some common sense. you can not assume that you are comfortable when surrounded by hungry people who see you as the one who takes their share. In such circumstances,common sense should prevail upton those who see the likes of Karuhanga is the enemies, ineed these are their salvation in Uganda circumstances.
William Kituuka Kiwanuka

Mr Karuhanga talks to Daily Monitor in his office at Parliament during the interview last week.
Mr Karuhanga talks to Daily Monitor in his office at Parliament during the interview last week. Photo by Yusuf Muziransa
By Don Wanyama

Posted Tuesday, December 27 2011 at 00:00

In Summary

From the moment Gerald Karuhanga, the Western Youth MP, tabled documents in Parliament accusing senior government ministers of taking bribes to influence award of oil deals in a stormy debate on October 11, his political star has been rising. But who is this new face of the anti-corruption fight and what drives him? Don Wanyama met the MP and reports.
Room 134 on the First Floor of Parliament has nothing spectacular about it. When I knock on the door, a beaming Karuhanga welcomes us. The office is plain. Two wooden tables struggle for space. Karuhanga takes a rocking black leather chair; I take one of the six visitors’ seats, whose maroon colour is in tandem with the thick carpet.
Most of his public appearances have been in suits but this time Mr Karuhanga is donned in a white and black-striped T-shirt, blue jeans pants and black canvas shoes. It lends him an even younger look than his 29 years.
“Where did these oil documents come from?” I shoot.
“I got these documents from concerned members of the public,” says the MP, clearing his throat. “They are people I have known for a long time. I trust them. When I got them, I shared them with the other MPs, who were involved in drafting the motion to recall the House for the oil debate. They formed the numerous literature we were assembling to make our case for the need to open up the happenings in the oil sector and push government into being transparent.”
He adds: “We were recalling the House from recess. This was not a joking matter. We treated every information we got carefully. At the end of the day we believed the authenticity of those documents. I believed in them and decided to table them. I have nothing personal against Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi or ministers Sam Kutesa and Hilary Onek. We belong to different generations.”
A first-time MP, Mr Karuhanga seems to have already blended in well with the goings-on of an institution where politics, cutting deals and even back-stabbing is just as widespread as the numbers of the players. Is he not a pawn in a wider chess game of old political fights like that between Mr Theodore Ssekikubo and Mr Sam Kutesa?
“I am not a pawn in any game,” he asserts, his husky voice, with a fair Runyankole accent, going a notch higher. “The struggle we are involved in is higher than Ssekikubo and Kutesa. How then would you explain the fact that Mr Onek was also mentioned? Those pushing this line are being diversionary.”

Digging the oil curse
Leaning in his chair, the MP takes a deep breath before he adds: “We have seen oil turn into a curse in many countries. Look at Nigeria, Venezuela or Kazakhstan. In Kazakhstan, a country blessed with 160 deposits of more than 2.7 billion tonnes of petroleum, politicians have messed up what was a promising sector. They have formed companies to manage the oil and most of the money before it even begins trickling in fully, is going to administration costs of these mafia-like cliques. We can’t just sit back and look on as Uganda slides down a similar path. No.
So, what is the exact problem with our oil sector? I ask.
“It is the secrecy with which things were being done. It is a pity that the documents on bribes have shrouded the other gains of this debate. For once, we saw the President assemble his technocrats and try to explain to the country what was happening as far as oil goes. We broke the silence and that alone was a big achievement. But we demand more transparency. Why, for example, has the Executive been reluctant to table Bills in Parliament to harmonise operations in the oil sector? Why is the President running the show without enabling laws?”
I have no answers, I tell him. My concern though, at just 29, with little political clout, is he not afraid of taking on time-tested politicians?
“I don’t feel any pressure of being the face of the corruption fight,” he answers quickly. “In fact, my fear is that I lack fear. Those who have known me in the past know how thick a skin I have. I might be below 30 but who else is better placed to rally the cause of this country’s majority if not one of their own? About 78 per cent of Ugandans are below 35 years.”
He goes on: “Should they not be more involved in the matters of running this country? Why should we abdicate our space to a small minority of the 60-year-olds and above who do not appreciate our concerns?”

How will graft be tamed?
When he says this, Mr Karuhanga seems possessed. It looks like he is opening a lid that has been closed for long. He will not listen to my next question as he continues: “It is these youth who suffer the pressure of bad governance. They are the ones who suffer unemployment. It is them who die while giving birth because of terrible health facilities. They won’t market their produce because roads are bad. What I am involved in is a generational cause. It is not about me as an individual. If it means paying the ultimate price, why not? Robert Sobukwe (an anti-apartheid activist who died while under house arrest when the apartheid regime denied him treatment) did it in South Africa.”
But away from sulking, I tell him, what can be done to check corruption, which now is a way of life? How do you stop what is increasingly becoming a culture?
“It needs an integrated approach,” he says, pulling a white handkerchief to blow his nose. “First, theft of public resources should be made risky. The corrupt must be punished. And this must be from top downwards. There is no way a commissioner won’t steal if he sees the permanent secretary stealing. Property gained out of theft must be confiscated.
“We must also push for a more transparent government. Like the civil societies pushed government into publishing money sent to districts every month, we must now demand that ministries make public all their expenditures. If we know Shs100 million was allocated for purchase of scan machine and we don’t see it in next six months, we shall make noise.”
The MP adds: “The civil society, academia and media can help too. Civil society agencies and academics have done immense research. The media has helped make public some of the findings and exposed corruption scandals. All these must be strengthened to do their work. Finally, we must be realistic. Corruption is a reflection of broken morals. The custodians of morals have a tough task ahead. The Church and schools, I can’t envy them.”
When I turn to inquire about his political foundation, about what shapes his thinking, Mr Karuhanga quickly quips, “The needy. Why should Ugandans and Africans wallow in poverty when we are endowed with a wealth of resources? If you gave Singapore just half the resources we have, trust me, it would be a super power. So, why are we not? When I reflect on this, I see every reason to speak for those I think are being cheated of what is duly theirs.”
He ends his spiel thus: “If people want to become billionaires, let them go into business but profiteering from taxpayers’ money and public resources is bad.”
So, “when he grows up”, whom does Karuhanga want to be like? “I admire former army commander Gen. Mugisha Muntu,” he tells me. “Gen. Muntu had all the chance to profiteer from that position he held for eight years. He never took even a coin. He has been tested and rose above the test. I also admire Leader of Opposition Nandala Mafabi. I think he was the first official to make this country pay attention to the fight against corruption while he headed PAC.”

No one in the NRM, I ask?
After a bout of laughter, he says: “It is difficult to find role models in the NRM. Maybe Ruhakana Rugunda and Speaker Rebecca Kadaga. Beyond that, it is a tough call. But outside Uganda, the selflessness of Nelson Mandela always leaves me awed. He is my hero.”


Those managing Uganda should save the country's face. It is a shame and a real scandal at this moment in development to find the service sector in Uganda a real mess. Even if a person got to a Government Health facility,with the useless pay, what do you expect. The leadership in Uganda can do better. It is a shame, a shame as those in high offices continue to enjoy the sweat of the tax payer,the taxpayer simply gets a raw deal. It is unfortunate, the NRm Government should do better. We have many times witnessed His Excellency talk about increased revenue. This money does not go into the productive sectors of the economy which create more value. Given these developments, president Museveni should give Ugandans a break. Thanks for where he has tried to deliver, but the developments are far beyond his abilities to the extent that the country is a laughing stalk. Asa believer in God, let him do what many who understand what is going on and what has been messed up,just leave the stage at least not beyond 2016,though still many should that would be saved will be dead bodies given the ill advised policies of his governance. That is my prayer as a patriotic Ugandan.
William Kituuka Kiwanuka

Ms Stancha Fatuma with her baby at Post natal ward in Mulago Hospital after giving birth on Christmas day. Photo by Stephen Otage
By Monitor Team
Posted Tuesday, December 27 2011 at 00:00

At least 14 mothers failed to witness that joy of childbirth after they died during labour while more than 236 were born on Christmas Day at various hospitals countrywide. At Mulago Referral Hospital, 12 mothers were reported dead while two others lost their lives at Lacor Hospital in Gulu.
A midwife at Mulago, who asked not to be named because she is not supposed to speak to press, attributed some of the deaths to mothers being anemic and underage. She declined to give figures of the child-mothers that gave birth on Christmas.
The midwife said some of the mothers who passed on appeared not to have attended antenatal care while others were reportedly dumped at the hospital after their condition had been mismanaged at private clinics.
“We tried as much as we could to save the lives of these women but we failed, we have noticed most pregnant women are reluctant to visit hospitals for antenatal checkup so that their ailments are diagnosed in time for quick treatment,” he said.
Out of 134 babies delivered in Mulago on Christmas, two died during delivery because they lacked enough oxygen. The midwife said: “Some mothers are reluctant to push and these children are born already tired.
Their survival is minimal.” Mulago Hospital spokesperson Dan Kimosho yesterday said he could not speak authoritatively because he was out of Kampala.
At Nsambya Hospital, three babies were born; two boys and a girl, while Kampala International Hospital and Moroto Hospital registered one birth each. Mengo Hospital in Kampala registered the birth of eight girls and six boys, while Rubaga Hospital had eight in total.
Bududa Hospital registered three normal deliveries on Christmas, according to the Superintendent, Dr James Mulekwa. For one of the mothers, Jennifer Mukimba, 25, it was not a matter of having just another baby
Her child is a Christmas gift to replace the two babies she had earlier lost to malnutrition.
“It is a gift from God brought by Christmas, I did not have a baby and now I have one born on this same day, this is the joy Christmas has brought to my family, my heart and I will name my child Christmas,” Ms Mukimba said.
At Mbale Regional Hospital, the head of gynecology, Dr Tom Otim, said the hospital registered 12 normal deliveries.
A total of 16 children 10 boys and six girls were born in Tororo Hospital . There were 17 deliveries at Mbarara Regional Hospital with two babies born from a C-section and a stillbirth. Ms Asio Kirunda, a nurse, said the stillbirth was a referral case from Itojo Hospital in Ntungamo District.
Adjuman Hospital registered delivery of four girls and two boys on Christmas. In Fort Portal and Hoima, four children died. Mr Emmanuel Masereka, Fort Portal public health officer, who worked as the night superintendent, said two babies passed on.
The in-charge at Virika Hospital said there was one still birth due to prolonged second stage of labour. She said the mother had a retained placenta, which was later removed and is steadily recovering. Six other babies were delivered without complications at the facility.
Seven children were born at Hoima Regional Hospital and another five at Masaka regional hospital.

Reported by Betty Ndagire, David Livingsgtone Okumu, Patience Ahimbisbwe, Juliet Kigongo, Steven Ariong, John Augustine Emojong, Rajab Mukombozi, Joseph Mugisa, Geoffrey Mutegeki, Francis Mugerwa & Issa Aliga.
ng to Hoima’s acting medical superintendent Dr Simon Byaruhanga, there was a still birth because the mother delayed to seek medical attention.
“The 17-year old was brought to hospital from Kisiita Sub County in Kibaale district with an obstruction. The mother was operated on and she is recuperating but the child was already dead by the time she arrived,” Dr Byaruhanga said.
According to Ministry of Health Annual sector performance report 2010, only 33 per cent of mothers in Uganda deliver in hospitals or a health facility supervised by a midwife. The other 67 per cent deliver either alone or with the help of a traditional birth attendant.