
Saturday, May 19, 2012


Hon. Amama Mbabazi is believed to be a very rich man. It is not clear what the Inspector general of Government has down as the net worth of the Prime Minister. There is a saying that there is no smoke without fire. It would be the most surprising thing that the deals mentioned which have had a hand of the honourable are simply the intention to see his name tarnished. The intent to sue the monitor publication given its owner and the stakes he has in the investments in Uganda is another development which is not easy to understand. However, my opinion is that the Honourable MP may have to make his ways appear more transparent, that way, no sane person may be after ruining his good name. William Kituuka Kiwanuka DEFAMATION: MBABZI SUES MONITOR FOR SHS 5BN Publish Date: May 17, 2012 By Vision Reporter The Prime Minister, Amama Mbabazi has threatened to drag the Monitor publications and its top management to court over alleged defamation and also demanded sh5b compensation in damages. In a notice of intention to sue addressed to the Editor of Monitor newspaper, Mbabazi's lawyers Mugisha and Co. Advocates, also asked for an apology prominently published on the front page like the "malicious" article which reportedly projected their client as "a criminal who engages in fraud" and not worth to be "trusted with public resources." The Daily Monitor on May 7, 2012 published a lead story titled: "Police quiz Mbabazi over NRM party cash money problems." Mbabazi later dismissed the report as false and said he was consulting his lawyers on what remedy to seek. "We wish to categorically state in the strongest terms that the allegations contained in your said newspaper article in as far as they relate to our client are completely untrue and in their ordinary and natural meaning are defamatory and constitute libel of our client," the lawyers wrote. The May 9, notice was also copied to Managing Director of Monitor Publications Limited, the Chairman of Nation Meda Group Company Limited --- which owns Monitor --- and journalist Richard Wanambwa who was the author of the now contentious story. Attempts to obtain a comment over the matter yesterday, from the Monitor management, were futile. The lawyers contend that Mbabazi who was hitherto held in high esteem as the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uganda, Secretary General of the ruling NRM, MP for Kinkizi West and holder of both the Nalubale and Kagera medals of distinguished service in Uganda , has been "seriously injured in honour, character and reputation in his profession." They pointed out that the offending publication discredited the PM's national and international standing and he has been "brought into public scandal, ridicule and contempt" to the extent of being "ostracized, suffering damage as a consequence." "Take further notice that unless you do within three days from the date hereof, appear in our chambers, publish an apology on the 1st page of your publication in a conspicuous and prominent manner and make an undertaking in writing never to write any matter defamatory of our client and also pay sh5b, being cumulative compensation for the damage which you have inflicted on our client plus 10% thereof being our professional fees in the matter, so far, we shall be constrained to invoke the long arm of the law in protection of our client to your peril as regards costs sequel and attendant embarrassment," the lawyers wrote. In an interview with the New Vision on May 8, a day after the article came out, Mbabazi complained about "this sustained character assassination campaign of the Monitor." He claimed it was intended to give an impression that "Uganda is unstable, badly governed and not an attractive destination for investment and tourists." Mbabazi declared he would use the law to get redress. "This is my new stance regarding all publications and electronic media. I have been silent for long and taken for granted. I have decided to fight back," Mbabazi stated then.

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