
Saturday, May 19, 2012


I am fortunate to have had a practical experience with Museveni in 1979 when he participated in the removal of President Lule. I was then a student of St. Mary's College Kisubi. News got to us of the removal from office of President Lule. Or reaction like a number of Ugandans was demonstrating. We were fortunate to be intercepted by Museveni who was then Minister of defence. His men surrounded us and he instructed us to get back to the school. from that day on, Museveni became my enemy. I however kept on watching him, unfortunately, many opportunists in Uganda have failed to learn who Museveni is. he has used many of them and they have been left by the road side. Many have helped him and are long dead. The case of king Mutebi is good testimony. Surely, Museveni would give what is due to King Mutebi, but the King does not reside in his official palace, because Government is still using the property meant to house the Katikiiro. The rent due to Buganda has failed to come forth, and the release of a number of properties including land that were taken in 1966. There was a very controversial development when Gilbert Bukenya as Vice President ended up in a shrine for 3 rd term to be granted to President Museveni. Today, still has the courage of standing as an NRM but he has suffered so much for the party. The Speaker of Parliament Hon. Kadaga may not be on good terms with the President simply because she is footing the people's line, and it is only God who knows how far she will go. President Museveni's wish to be always right is a problem for those who have to do assignments as they have to die alone.
I for one believe that Uganda can change for the better if the opportunists could be changed. It is absurd that we have a Government that can give MPs money to buy cars to the tune of over 100 million but the MPs have liberty to buy cars cheaper or even not to buy any and see how to spend the money without anybody raising an alarm. In such circumstances, the future of the country can only be left to God. William Kituuka Kiwanuka BUKENYA VISITS SHRINE FOR 3RD TERM
Publish Date: Dec 07, 2004 By Eddie Ssejjoba The Vice-President, Prof. Gilbert Bukenya, on Monday visited a traditional shrine and asked his ancestors for peace and to grant President Yoweri Museveni a third term in office. The shrine at Kassewalaga in Masaka district is owned by Hajji Bruhan Katale, chairman of Utoda Put Safe (UPS). Bukenya, who was on a district tour, went to Katale's home to inspect a rice project run under the Ambulu Demonstration Farm in Mukungwe sub-county in Bukoto East. The rice is grown by UPS members. Katale asked Bukenya to enter the grass-thatched shrine after planting a tree, which Bukenya did, saying he wanted to test Katale's spirits. He was received by pipe-smoking diviners, who asked him to remove his shoes. His escorts remained outside as he entered the shrine. He was accompanied by chanting people, some clad in bark cloth and singing Luganda traditional songs, especially those sang at rituals to welcome newborn twins. The floor was covered with grass and mats and bark cloth hang on some parts of the wall. A bright fire burnt in the centre of the room. The VP knelt near the hearth, where he prayed with arms raised. He was given coffee beans, some of which he ate, while he put others in baskets to appease ancestors and gods. Amid clapping and singing, the diviners gave him some other items and blessed him as he joined the choruses and clapping. Bukenya was led to several corners decorated with spears, knives, animal skins, gourds and other traditional items. He sat down as they sang. He later knelt together with them and prayed. "Bajjajja bweza, mutwongere emikisa, empewo za bajjajja, mulwanyise ebizibu ebiyinza okulemesa Muvumenti okugenda mu maaso, muyambe pulezidenti Museveni n'ekisanja kigende bulungi n'ebirala byonna bitereere," he said in Luganda, as he asked the ancestors to bless the President and the Movement and make the third term bid for the President in 2006 smooth. Bukenya was given some items which he threw on fire as he spoke some words. He put some money and coffee beans in baskets representing different gods. The diviners promised to go to Bukenya's home soon and help him build a similar shrine to settle his spirits (empewo). The group has camped at Katale's shrine for three days, drumming and singing. Several animals were slaughtered and sacrificed to the spirits during this period.

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