
Saturday, July 28, 2012


Referring to Mr. Museveni's campaigns in Bukoto South, he told the voters not to give a non NRM candidate votes as this was bound to deny them services! Though he has been in power for 26 years, Museveni has failed to appreciate that all Ugandans irrespective of their political affiliation are entitled to be nefit from the national cake. It is absurd. William Kituuka Kiwanuka ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NRM'S NSAMBU DID NOT INSULT KABAKA - MUSEVENI
Museveni said those who use the Kabaka for campaigns are greedy and selfish. new vision By Ali Mambule President Yoweri Museveni has clarified claims that NRM flag-bearer in the Bukoto South parliamentary race Alintuma Nsambu insulted Kabaka Ronald Mutebi and influenced the closure of CBS radio station. He said such claims were lies crafted by people who hate the kingdom and want to drag it into trouble. “If Nsambu abused the Kabaka, why didn’t Mengo report to me as the leader of NRM. He explained that he was blaming the people who wanted to confuse the Kabaka, saying Baganda shouldn’t work with the Government, which they described as that of Banyankole with long noses. They wanted people to think that it was the Kabaka who sent them,” Museveni said. “I am a fighter and fighters don’t know tribes. NRM is a tribe for all the people who support unity, peace and development in the country” he said on Sunday. The President made the remarks while campaigning for the Nsambu in Lwengo district. The Bukoto South byelections have attracted seven candidates, including Nsambu, Mathias Nsubuga (DP) and Julius Ssentamu. The byelections are set for July 12. The seat fell vacant after Muyanja Mbabaali was thrown out of Parliament. Museveni said: “The Kabaka returned to Uganda because of the blood of NRM. DP was here as well as UPC, which removed him. Those who use the Kabaka for campaigns are wrong because the Kabaka has no sides. They are greedy and care about themselves,” he said. Museveni, who said he talked to Katikkiro Eng. J.B. Walusimbi about the issue, added that the talk about Nsambu insulting the Kabaka were mere allegations which deserve no attention. Apart from the mega rally at Kinono, the President met 3,700 NRM chairpersons from over 126 villages in the district at Sseke Secondary School in Kiingo village. Museveni also urged the electorate to ignore claims that Nsambu does not hail from Bukoto South despite having a home there. He added that any leader who vies for a parliamentary seat should be able to support development programmes. Museveni said although it was true that Nsambu came from Bukoto East where he lost in the 2011 parliamentary elections, he deserved a second chance to serve. “It was the people of Bukoto South who invited him here. You gave him the NRM ticket and he bought a piece of land in the constituency. He is part of you,” Museveni added. “Vote for him come July 12 to safeguard the NRM seat in Parliament. The issue of voting for a someone from Bukoto South should wait for 2016 when we shall have organised ourselves but for the moment, we have Nsambu,” he said. Museveni explained that Nsambu, former state minister for IT, did not close CBS radio station as alleged by the opposition, but it was the Government which realised that the station was mobilising people to cause havoc. However, President Museveni blamed the people of Bukoto South for chasing Lwengo Woman MP Gertrude Nakabira and Bukoto Midwest MP Isaac Sejjoba from the meeting. “I know that they have not been attending Nsambu’s rallies but I invited them to this meeting. You did not know what their message was. Sending them away was a big mistake,” he said. Nakabira and Sejjoba were barred from the premises before President Museveni arrived. The electorate said Nakabira was a hurdle in Nsambu’s quest for victory. “The divisions in Movement made us lose elections in Luwero, Jinja and Bushenyi. I urge you not to make the same mistakes,” he said and called for quality service and unity among leaders. Nsambu thanked the people of Bukoto South for welcoming him to their constituency. “I also thank the President for giving me another chance and campaigning for me. I assure you that I’ll not let you and the people of Bukoto South down,” he said.

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