
Saturday, July 28, 2012


This is an appeal to the family and relatives of Lea Wilson to come and assist Namutamba which they helped to develop earlier. William Kituuka Kiwanuka ( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Geographical Location Namutamba village derives its name from Namutamba Hill, located in Bulera Sub County in Mityana District. Mityana District was established on July 1st 2005 by an act of parliament with the aim of making administration and service delivery easier. Initially the district was part of Mubende District. Namutamba is an eighty eight (88) kilometers’ journey West of Kampala, via Mityana and twenty one (21) kilometers north of Mityana by road. Kampala is the Capital city of Uganda, our country being a land locked country is situated in East Africa. The climate shows small variation of temperature, humidity and winds. The district experiences rain throughout the year, with heavy rains in March- April and September- November. The annual average rainfall is 930mm. It was a fertile hill, with an altitude of 13,520M above the sea level and used to be mostly covered in tall elephant grass. The high altitude ensures favorable climate with medium annual temperatures ranging from 17.2 degrees to 29 degrees centigrade. Background to do with the Lea Wilson’s Personality History
Namutamba was blessed to have a new personality in the early 20th Century. His names were Charles Leslie Lea Wilson. Remarkably on Friday February 13th 1914 Leslie and Sybil were married. With the Lord in charge of their lives and their marriage, later that year, the year that the First World War broke out, they left together for Uganda where this time Leslie was to work for Major Renton on his coffee and rubber estate at Bakijulula (“Baki”) (55) fifty five miles West of Kampala. On return Sybil was left at Mityana 6 miles away with Rev. & Mrs. Bowers – C.M.S missionaries whom Sybil already knew. After a few weeks Leslie got the house at Senda habitable, and a few months after they both moved in though their first born son Ronald in 1915 sadly was taken from them eighteen months later by a virulent attack of dysentery. Their second child Myra was soon with them and then in February 1919 Kenneth followed. Leslie and Sybil prayed often to be shown where it was that they should look for land on which to start a coffee plantation of their own. Out of three alternatives they finally felt Namutamba was the place they were meant to go – only four miles up the hill from Baki. Reggie (1922) and Malcolm (1924) were born.
The Namutamba landscape with Tea Plantation in background ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- History of Namutamba Demonstration School: The School was started in 1936 AD as a Community School at Butumbizi. The Proprietor was Mr. LEA WILSON a British who came in the area to open up a Tea Estate. The purpose of starting this school was to enable the children of his workers (at the shamba) to have education. At this time the school was known as Butumbizi Sub- Grade. The parents were not directly paying school dues. School fee was deducted from the wages of the employees who had children. This was by the manager who would later pay it to the school administration.In 1941, the school was transferred from Butumbizi to Kiwanda. The reason for the transfer was to have it in close vicinity to Namutamba Vernacular Teacher Training College (VTTC) which had been transferred from Mukono. Students from the VTTC would carry out their School Practice at the school. The school name was changed to Namutamba Practicing School. The school had classes One to Three, and Reverend Bulasio. K. Lwanga was the Head teacher. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Link to Namutamba Demonstration School website:

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