
Friday, November 9, 2012

Canon Stephen Gelenga Summons Ministry of Finance Staff during the Funeral Service of Kamanyire Vicky

Today morning, work must have got to near standstill at Ministry of Finance as many names at the Ministry Headquarters were at All Saints Cathedral Nakesero for the Funeral Service of Kamanyire Violet Vicky who died in UK when she went for her daughter’s graduation. By the time of her death, Vicky was a Principal Finance Officer, at the Ministry of Finance Headquarters. Testimonies were moving as all talked great of Vicky. This is what moved Canon Stephen Gelenga who in his summon challenged the Ministry of Finance Staff to do justice to the people of Uganda. To be like Vicky when their time comes that mourner after mourner can praise them. He talked about the payment of ghosts and many ills in society which they the Finance people can arrest when they do justice to their calling. There may not have been a better time than then to summon the Finance Officers and tell them to do what God expects of them, to love one another as they love themselves. This may have really been God’s plan that Vicky dies, she gets a Funeral Service from All Saints Church and the Ministry of Finance get a fearless person to tell them in their faces to address the wrongs which are done to society when some of them are party to them and hence lead to the suffering of the people which otherwise would not have been there. The Intercession was just right: “Grant us Lord, the wisdom and grace to use aright the time that is left to us here on earth to repent to our sins, the evil we have done and the good we have not done, and strengthen us to follow the steps of your son, in the way that leads to the fullness of eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." May the good Lord, give Vicky eternal peace William Kituuka Kiwanuka

1 comment:

  1. will always miss and love you mum, i will never stop praying for you and asking God to grant you eternal peace and forgive you for any wrongs that you may have done either knowingly or unknowingly, i love you mum, always at heart and forever you will stay, till we meet again my angel xxx
