1. Get to request Telecommunications Companies to initiate sms messages for example: Masiro; have that message sent and each time this is done; say shs 500 could be remitted to the Masiro fund;
2. Have people of Good will open standing orders on their salary and have the amount remitted to the Masiro account;
3. Request each of the districts in Buganda to have their council pass an amount for Masiro construction;
4. Have all FM Radios with Buganda at heart incorporate say shs 1,000 additional to the official charges and have this remitted to the Masiro account;
5. Make house to house fundraising almost similar to how the Mengo Certificates are sold;
6. Go to schools around the country and appeal to students to make some contribution;
7. Collect money after each Church service/mass and send the money to the account;
8. Make fund raising dinners of different categories around the country;
9. Request our musicians to organize and have a percentage of the collection to the Masiro account;
10. Have our missions make appeals internationally;
11. Request land lords who can to part with some fraction of rents earned to the cause;
12. Request all manufacturers in Uganda who have a feeling for Buganda to deduct a small percentage from their sales price for Masiro fund
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