Nkeje was brutally murdered as he drove to work early on the morning of November 11, 2010. If the Uganda Police force were serious on this case, the killers of Nkeje would by now be facing the courts of law. After Nkejje was killed, the locals saw the vehicle and some say the vehicle is believed to have stayed around Bwebajja, surely, the little i have heard about this case has been simply to make the relatives of Nkejje to resign about the whole issue. It is sad, meanwhile the few put to justice like Koocky are being given pardon they don't deserve. Mr President Sir, can the police do better work? We hear a lot about the training, why can they not deliver on such cases?
Hopefully, one day we shall know the motive of the people who killed Nkejje a very hardworking man who was pursuing his Ph D.
God bless his soul.
William Kituuka Kiwanuka
The main message during the burial of Gyagenda was, “Don’t take us into temptation, but deliver us from the devil. The preacher appealed to the family of the deceased not to be tempted into seeking revenge but to pray to God to recover from the shock, vacuum, etc as a result of the tragic death of their dear one. The devil was the motive and drive behind the murder of the Late Jonathan. Here is a man who was on their ‘family farm in Maddu Gomba’ employing 80 people. The future of these is not sure. The Late left children all still at school and these all need fees to see them successful through school life.
The arms in hands of people, which arms are easily used to terminate the lives of the people in Uganda is a great unfortunate making of the NRM Government.
Dr. Gombya the brother to the deceased stood up to talk to the mourners. At the start of his communication, he told us that he initially was not on the list of the people to talk. The murder of his brother had thrown him far, he only housed tears. His message as read for him by his wife had much to reflect on, “there is time for each and everything; including death.” This type of incident doesn’t induce people to work in Uganda. There is no security. I had opportunity to be shown around the site where the assailants waited for the late, you could easily see the bit of bush near the road where they shot him through the metal of the door of his car! The big turn up at the burial was a sign of concern about the insecurity and many of the developments that we are going through now partly as a result of the NRM entrenching its leadership on to Ugandans simply because they fought!
As I watched the Late Gyagenda’s farewell, what came to my mind was that I may be one of those who are next on the list, and indeed these days when I hear gun shots nearly every night near where I reside, I imagine that may be I am being warned. It surprises that some body shoots a big gun over and over and you wonder what the motive is. I for one, I think it is good enough to die having told the people of Uganda the truth. And I pray that the good Lord gives me the courage.
Thursday 11 November 2010, Jonathan Gyagenda met his untimely death as he executed his regular routine of traveling early to beat the infamous Kampala traffic jams all due to the lack of serious planning by the NRM Government. Auditors are endangered species as they operate in an environment where corruption is official! Gyagenda is quoted in Bukedde newspaper as an employee of Ministry of Health because of his role in auditing the above project. This project may be a real scandal on the part of the NRM Government for which among others the voters should pin down the NRM Government. If what is quoted below regarding the project is right, then as one who had a role in its auditing as is alleged, may be some people could have eliminated him for that reason.
As this type of things happen, the NRM is able to spend big money whose source remains very unclear. On the President’s rallies, one is able to see yellow every where, we are told that commercial motor cyclists in Kampala are paid not less than shs 20,000 for fuel to participate. This culture which the NRM has brought into Uganda politics is very unfortunate and regrettable. Many of us have one prayer; that the good Lord who gave Museveni the passport to get to power in 1986, helps us to tame his excesses for a country badly in debt with poverty at the levels it has reached, the future is simply dark.
A Civil Society Statement (Part of it as Published in The Monitor Friday, 23 May, 2003)
The members of Uganda Debt Network are concerned that The Nutrition and Early Childhood Development Project (1998 – 2003), US$34.0million had not benefited the Children of Uganda.
A review study undertaken by the Save the Children (UK) entitled “Thin on the ground,” indicates that the project had limited and in some cases no impact at all. The findings among other things revealed that:
i. The project had no lasting effect on children’s nutritional status even where the caring behaviour of mothers was thought to have been better because of lack of attention given to food security and environmental health at the household level;
ii. The programme was not well integrated within the existing Government Health system. While the project manual stated that the creation of new structures should be avoided, in practice the entire project relies on parallel structures;
iii. We are concerned that the failure of a project of such magnitude to bear noticeable impact is a cause of concern to all persons in Uganda interested in the plight and predicament of the poor.
iv. We are disheartened by the fact that it is the poor who ultimately must pay back the colossal sums of money borrowed from the World Bank. We have also learnt that with disdain that in fact The World Bank is committing another US$100million to extend the lifespan of the project inspite of the overwhelming evidence to the current project failure!
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