Stephen Lwalanda the proprietor with Minister Namirembe Bitamazire

Student registration
I was contacted by Lwalanda Stephen for a write up of a project proposal which was letter to become Namulanda Technical Institute (NATI) found along Entebbe Highway. I remember the research I did for the project and interviews of those who are in the technical field.
William Kituuka

Student Leaders swearing in
Namulanda Technical Institute
In order to mitigate the shortcomings in technical education, NATI shall among other things reach out to secondary schools and interact with students so as to interest them of the technical education and the roles it can play in the development efforts of their country. Girls shall be encouraged as they are equally capable as boys.

Namulanda Technical Institute (NATI) is a Ugandan two billion shillings that is equivalent to US$1,111,111, One million, One hundred eleven thousand One hundred One-project proposal. It is meant to bridge the missing link in the ideal technical training in Uganda, which will see the country produce such technical manpower capable of meeting the challenges of a country that has a vision of industrialization as a development strategy to see it graduate into the ranks of a modernized economy.

Career Guidance Session
NATI therefore has briefly outlined the salient features that qualify it as an ideal model against the background of what is on ground in the existing technical Institutes in Uganda, hence the cost implication as indicated above with the breakdown at the back of the overview. It is true that anything good has cost implications.
NATI promoters are feeling the weight and therefore wish to call upon Institutions/people of good will to whom some of the burden can be offloaded to eventually have the dream come true of training manpower capable of the challenges of globalization and the development initiatives of Uganda in its vision of modernization.
NATI's mission is to empower individuals through the Provision of Employable Skills and to Provide Skilled Workforce for the economy

Students of Namulanda Technical Institute
The small class sizes mean individual attention, enabling you to become competent and to work at your own speed in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. If you are a professional already in the building trade wishing to extend your knowledge to other areas, or a beginner doing your own home repairs, you are sure to find a course here to suit you.

The Institute admits S4 and S6 (O and A level) certificate holders with good passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry and shall offer courses in:
• Motor Vehicle Mechanics
• Electrical Installation
• Bricklaying and Concrete practice
• Carpentry and Joinery
• Plumbing in Tropical Countries
• Business Education
For the first year, 60 students shall be admitted per course and the institute shall have 3 terms a year. In the second year of operation, there shall be first years and second year Students.
The incorporation of Business Education/studies in the training curriculum is aimed at developing quality of life of trainees so that they can be creative and self reliant, hence equipping them with basic entrepreneurial competencies.

Whatever activities will be done at the institute, it will be the practice to ensure that they do not have a negative impact on the environment. Trees shall be planted to counter soil erosion as well as discourage circumstances that can induce desertification among other things. Oil and other input in he training shall have to be discharged in such a way that will not impact negatively on the environment, and Students shall be taught to endeavor to keep their workplaces environmentally friendly so as not to contribute to its degradation by virtual of their activities.
Developed nations have identified renewable energies as a viable option in the global transition to economically viable and environmentally sustainable energy sources. NATI will endeavor to borrow from their experiences and where possible work in collaboration with Renewable Energy Centres in the world to promote these energies as part of the Curricula so that students on graduation are able to disseminate those technologies and also handle the mechanics associated.

Administration Office
Namulanda Technical Institute (NATI) is on Block 383- Busiro, land situated at Kabulamuliro of 2.83 Hactares with Registered Proprietor as Stephen Lwalanda. This is 12 miles Entebbe Road in Wakiso District - Uganda.

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