There are seven on – going Bank supported operations in the agriculture and rural development sector, with a commitment of value of UA 230.23 million (US $ 356.39 million). Achievements include doubling of farm gate prices in the communities where community access/feeder roads and market infrastructure have been extended, capacity development encompassing adoption of improved agricultural production techniques, among others, and increased economic activity in concerned communities and surrounding areas.

The on – going sector portfolio comprises two operations, namely, Road Sector Support projects I & II (RSSP I & II) with a total commitment value of UA 119 million (US $ 184.21 million). RSSP I is upgrading the 99 km long Kabale – Kisoro – Bunyagana / Kyanika road to bitumen standard, while RSSP II is for upgrading the 103 km long Fort Portal – Bundibugyo – Lamia road. These projects are envisaged to promote regional integration between Uganda, DRC and Rwanda, reduce travel time, maintain the capital already invested and reduce maintenance and vehicle operating costs. Construction of the Kabale – Kisoro – Bunyagana / Kyanika road started in March 2007 and about 40% completed by the time of this report. Work on the Fort Portal to Bundibugyo road was expected to start by September 2009. In addition, the Bank finances design studies for other five roads, with the possibility of considering them for future upgrading.

There are four on – going Bank funded operations in the water and sanitation sector, that is; two African Water facility (AWF) supported projects amounting to Euro 1.25 million and two ADF supported projects amounting to AU 54.94 million (US $ 85.05 million). Achievements include piped water supply, sanitation facilities and solid water management systems to the seven towns of Nebbi, Packwach, Kigumba, Mityana, Mpigi, Iganga and Apac; new rural water and sanitation facilities countrywide for 643,826 rural users in 2006/07 and 659,603 in 2007/08, 324 domestic rain water tanks for 6 water stressed parishes and piped water and toilet facilities for the urban poor in Kampala city. The Kampala Sanitation Project approved in December 2008 and financed by the bank in the amount of UA 35 million (US $ 54.18 million) was not yet disbursement effective by the time of this report.

There are four on – going bank supported operations in the energy sector, consisting of two private sector investments amounting to US $ 116.08 million and two public sector operations amounting to US $ 106.70 million, totaling UA 143.91 million (US $ 22.78 million). On completion, the projects are expected to provide 260MW of electric power to the National Grid and stabilize the energy supply efficiency in the country. In addition, the ADF grant of AU 5.35 million (US $ 8.3 million) to the Government for the Mineral Resources Management and Capacity Building Project is, among other things, providing geophysical survey data on the mineral potential in the country and assisting to build capacity in the mineral development sector through provision of skills and requisite infrastructure.
There is one on – going Bank supported operation in the education sector, the Education – III Project, promoting post primary education and training in the ADF amount of UA 20 million (US $ 30.96 million). The key present achievement relates to the 25 seed schools commissioned in March 2009. These include the Special Needs Education (SNE) seed school located in Mbale district, designed to cater for children with hearing impairment in the Eastern Region. The facility has fully furnished 50 – Seater classrooms for Secondary one to four and has been equipped with 50 – seater laboratories, fully supplied with reagents and laboratory equipment. It has a 124 pupil capacity laboratory, a kitchen, a sickbay, dormitories with own toilet blocks, a multi – purpose hall, a sports field, a 100,00 liter underground water tank and interconnecting walkways. This investment will create comparable learning conditions for the disabled, vis a vis other ‘normal’ pupils.
Bank support to the Health Sector under the Support to the Health Strategic Plan project II (SHSSPP II) amounts to UA 20 million (US $ 30.96 million). The project is expected to have significant health and socio – economic impacts. Achievements made by the date of this report include commencement of construction work for 39 Health Centres in Western Uganda and construction of 6 Mental Health Units at Mbarara, Masaka, Mubende, Moroto, Lira, Mbale and Jinja. Training and community sensitization activities had also commenced by the time of this report. The project will undertake rehabilitation of Mbarara’s regional hospital as well. Plans are underway for the bank to support the rehabilitation of Mulago Hospital in due course.
There is one on – going ADF supported project in this sector, the Institutional Support Project for Good Governance, with a net commitment of UA 9 million (US $ 13.93 million). The project’s immediate outputs, so far, include training of 150 Government of Uganda officials as Uganda’s first graduates in value – for –money auditing, re-tooling of the five beneficiary agencies with computer equipment and furniture, facilitation of anti – corruption investigation activities within the office of the Inspector General of Government, and training and capacity building in activity – based budgeting for the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development. In addition, the project has significantly contributed to improvement in the Government’s M & E System within the Framework of the National Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy (NIMES).
In addition to the private energy sector investments, the Bank has provided Direct Investments of UA 6 million (US $ 9.3 million) to the private operator for the rehabilitation of a five star business hotel - the Kampala Sheraton, and provided nine lines of credit to the east African Development Bank and PTA Bank for on lending to small and medium enterprises (SMEs). These investments have generated substantial amounts of foreign exchange for the country, enhanced agricultural value addition and created employment opportunities.
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